Can I Keep Her?

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I made my way towards Mrs. Gomez's classroom, I heard a newly familar voice.

"Hey! Kate!"

I turned to find Cambry elbowing her way through the crowd towards me.

"Hi!" I greeted her with a hug, "How did I not know you went here?"

She shrugged, "I'm just a freshman. Are you going to Mrs. Gomez's class? I have my fee to join NHS." She showed me one of the envelopes we had handed out yesterday.

"I am. Let's go."

We walked shoulder to shoulder the last few doors before entering Mrs. Gomez's room. Cambry went to turn on her fee and I joined the girls in the back corner.

"Did you get your tickets taken care?" Ary asked from her perch on Lupe's desk.

"Yup! Got them today." I grinned.

"Great! Now help me convince my parents to let me spend the night." Lupe pouted.

"We will figure it out" Ary insisted, then turned back to me, "Do you know where the boys are? None of them have shown up yet."

"The boys have some volleyball thing. The coach texted Hunter when we got to school."

Ary nodded as Cambry approached us. She stood shyly next to me.

"This is Cambry. She is Hunter's niece and the newest member of NHS." I introduced her quickly, "This is Ary and Guadalupe, Jasmine and I think you already know Ashley?"

She nodded and offered a small wave, "Hi."

"Oh my goodness. She is so cute? Can I keep her?" Ary asked.

"Hunter's niece?" Jasmine questioned, giving a confused look to Ashley who nodded confirmation.

"How come you never introduced us?" Guadalupe asked Ashley.

Ashley shrugged, "She is a freshman."

"Who cares?" Ary declared, turning towards Cambry "Do you have A or B lunch?"

"A." Cambry answered.

"Awesome! You're eating with us."

"Okay!" Cambry smiled widely. It was eerily similar to Hunter's smile.

"Is it weird going to school with your uncle? That's so odd for me to say. How does Hunter even have a niece in high school?" Jasmine was rabbling in her confusion.

"My mom is Hunter's oldest sister. We grew up more like cousins. Although, my dad's culture is very big on honorifics, so I always had to call him Uncle Hunter." Everyone giggled at the term, "I know. It's weird. He told me this year I didn't have to call him that at school. That made it a bit easier."

The bell rang. Ary, Ashley and I said bye to the other girls as they left for their own classes. Mrs. Gomez sent us to the teachers longue to make copies, the key, and staple her finals together.

"Javi and I went on another date yesterday." Ary informed us as we headed down the hall.

"What did you do?" I asked excitedly. Ary had been crushing hard on Javier all year. He finally asked her to prom and had been going on dates frequently since.

"Ice cream and we went to the beach volleyball courts. He tried to teach me how to serve. I was pathetic." Ary laughed, "But I was pretty good at receiving. We should do a double and play some two on two volleyball."

I laughed, "I think I'm too short for that."

"Not true," Ary countered, "Hinata is short. You could be a tiny giant!"

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