II. She's a Blessing

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Chapter 2,
She's a Blessing

    It's always a blast spending time with your best friend, even if you're sitting down in silence, while scrolling through your phone

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It's always a blast spending time with your best friend, even if you're sitting down in silence, while scrolling through your phone. As long as you never feel alone when you're with them, that's all that really matters. Having a best friend means that you feel like someone understands you even if you don't understand you, it's like they're your sibling almost. The problem is that, Chloe didn't know if that's what she felt for Yasmin.
Having known the girl for almost all her life, why would something change now? She just knew that she was going to continue to be Yasmin's friend. That's what she keeps telling herself, she was only Yasmin's best friend, and nothing more.

It's never easy to accept when you're feelings have changed for your close friend, whether you're losing interest in staying in the friendship or gaining too much interest to stay in just a friendship. A lot of friendships get ruined this way, it's never easy. It may seem like a good idea to date your best friend, but if the relationship is over then so is your friendship.
Chloe didn't want to think about that though, she just wanted to focus on getting laid.

"You're being a fucking horndog while I'm trying to lock up the boutique." Yasmin laughed as she turned the sign over to show that the shop is now closed before turning the lights off.

Chloe rolled her eyes playfully before laughing as well, the sun was still out considering it was only around the afternoon. The two girls could go get something to eat or hang out with each other, but Chloe needed to clock in. Her shift starts in an hour from now.

"If you come with me to the coffee shop, I'll make you a coffee and take it half off." Chloe offered as she tried to convince her best friend to come with her to her work.

Yasmin was planning on coming with Chloe to her job anyways, it was only fair considering Chloe stood with her until her shift was over. Yasmin smiled and nodded her head, although coffee made her stomach get bubbly and weird, she wanted some.
The coffee shop wasn't too far from the boutique so the two girls didn't mind walking there.

Chloe didn't want to clock in and actually start her shift but she had to, she didn't want to be late nor did she want some money taken off of her pay check. Although she was behind the counter, making someone their coffee, her mind was at a different place. It feels weird, knowing that Chloe could have dirty day dreams during her shift.
It didn't matter what time of day it was, and it also didn't matter who she was around, if her mind was going to entertain her, it was going to entertain her. A girl walked in and she had a bitchy face, Chloe wasn't paying much attention to her until she called her out on her mind being else where.

"Hello, are you even fucking listening to me?" The girl questioned as she waved her hand in front of Chloe's face, which is very rude.

"Yes, I am. What can I get for you?" Even though you're normally supposed to smile when you are taking a customer's order, Chloe felt like she didn't deserve a smile.

"I want a caramel macchiato, with ice. Don't put too much ice, or you'll be wearing the drink." The girl threatened as she moved from the ordering station.

Chloe nodded her head as she gave the girl a fake smile before walking off to make the drink, how sweet is that girl? Once the drink was made, Chloe handed the coffee to the girl and waved her goodbye. If she were to come back and throw the drink in her face, Chloe would have made her eat the curb.

"She's so sweet, love her." Yasmin joked as she watched her best friend's forehead vein pop, it was a little funny.

"Yeah, a blessing to whoever has her as their girlfriend." Chloe retorted as she walked behind the counter and waited for the next customer.

Her shift had only just started and she was only praying for it to end, rude customers ruin everyone's mood and day. If it was up to Chloe, she'd ban them, but she needed money.

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