XVI. What a Toxic Relationship

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  Chapter 16,
   What a Toxic Relationship

  "NAH, FUCK OFF ME BLAKE!" Yasmin screamed at the top of her lungs as her best friend pulled her away from Apple, who looked really messed up.

  Now you're possibly wondering, how the hell did we get here right now, we were just talking to Blake. Well, shit very much hit the fan and Blake was definitely trying his best to clean it up. For the sake of both of us, I'll rewind so that you can fully understand how we got to this point. 

  Yasmin was four shots deep, but she wasn't light weight, neither was Chloe. June didn't want to drink in case he had to drive someone home, Jay and Blake were drinking a little bit but Apple was already tipsy almost drunk. Although Apple was keeping her distance, both Yasmin and Chloe had their eyes on her.
  One wrong move and this white bitch would be gushing out blood, and they weren't afraid of that.

"Why the fuck are you staring so God damn hard?" Apple asked, as she met eyes with Chloe.

  Chloe didn't want to say anything though, she only maintained eye contact as she took a sip from her soda. The shots didn't taste that great anymore, and if she wanted to pop shit, she wanted to be sober.
  That's when eye contact shifted from Chloe to Yasmin, but Yasmin is the type to say something back at her.

  "Stop eye banging me, you whore!" That was enough to set Yasmin off, Yasmin blacked out.

  Yasmin grabbed the sides of the table and threw it to the side, before rushing at the girl who sat across her. June noticed first and tried to rush over to stop the fight from even starting, but it was already too late. Yasmins fingers went straight into a fist and she was throwing punches.
  As predicted, some blood was about to come out but that didn't matter to Yasmin. If you were going to disrespect her, make sure you got hands to back it up.

  Of course Yasmin got a few slaps, scratches, and punches but that didn't matter. Right when she was about to nail that amazing punch everyone wanted to see happen, Blake wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up, walking to the exit of the bar.


  Now that you're all caught up, let's continue where we left off, and if you have questions, don't ask them.

   "NAH FUCK OFF ME BLAKE!" Yasmin screamed at the top of her lungs as her best friend pulled her away from Apple and walked out of the bar.

  "Not until you calm down." Blake responded sternly as he set her down but kept his arms around her.

  Yasmin knew it would he useless to argue so she just stood there in silence, her heart was racing and the adrenaline began to wear off. It felt good getting her lick back at the girl she absolutely hated, but the affects of it all came in hard. As much as Yasmin wanted to go back in there and wanted to whoop some more ass, she couldn't.

  "I bet your ass is in pain now, ain't it?" Blake jokingly asked, Yasmin didn't want to laugh but she smiled and began to laugh.

"Shut the fuck up,"  Yasmin was going to finish her sentence until she saw Apple and Jay leave, they were arguing though.

  "Why is he even with her? She's such a bitch.."

For a moment, Yasmin felt bad that Jay was in a toxic relationship but then again, meddling into a relationship that isn't hers just seems wrong.

𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora