XIII. Best Friends Do It Best

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  Chapter 13,
    Best Friends Do It Best

Speaking to Blake about everything seemed to have fixed almost everything, and Yasmin wasn't zoning out as much. But she's still jealous of Chloe and June. They had a great relationship. Yasmin wanted it as well, or maybe she wanted one of the people in the relationship. That part was still fuzzy.
  To Blake, everything was crystal clear. That's probably because he isn't in a relationship, and he just knows. Speaking of the boy, he truly is a sweetheart. He's picked up Yasmin's broken pieces when Chloe kept getting cut.

  Those three were thick as thieves. Of course, they had their moments where one hung out more than the other or even argued with the other two, but they were close. Although some trios don't work out, it doesn't mean all trios refuse to work. You just have to have an understanding of everything and everyone.
  At this very moment, Yasmin was in her bedroom, just laying on her bed with Netflix playing in the background.

  "This complete, and utter bullshit." Yasmin muttered as she watched a new Instagram post from Chloe, which was her kissing June.

  Their happiness was enough to make four people throw up. It was sickening how everything was going well. Yasmin knew it was wrong. She wasn't supposed to feel this way, but it didn't stop her from feeling it.

   I'm sure everyone has had a friend that just can't keep their romance to themselves and has to make everyone feel single. But that isn't an excuse to continuously make it known that you're daring someone. It's starting to get fucking annoying.

  "I need weed."

  That was the last thing Yasmin muttered to herself as she got up from the couch and marched upstairs, she knew who to get weed from. Not that she smokes a lot, but she smokes whenever she's stressed.
Lately, Yasmin had been very stressed.

"No cause,"

  Yasmin began as she chuckled a bit before putting the blunt to her lips, slowly inhaling before exhaling the smoke. Blake was sitting across from the girl, listening to her rant about June and Chloe. It felt wrong to vent about how your friend is making you feel but it isn't healthy keeping it inside.
Getting high was Yasmin's way of coping with change. It didn't matter if she would get high once a year or every second of the day. What she chose to do with her life was purely her choice.

  "Sometimes I feel like I've got it all sorted out in my head, but in reality, I don't. Blake, I have nothing sorted out, and I'm already an adult."

  You could see the tears begin to form in  Yasmin's eyes. That's when Blake decided that was enough blunts that Yas would be smoking.

  "Being an adult does not mean that you have to have everything all sorted. You're still kind of a teen."

  Blake comforted as he wrapped his arm around the clearly upset girl. These two were getting closer, and they knew where they stood. But to everyone else, it was unclear.
  Yasmin had a bit of some red eyes from getting high and almost crying, Blake was also high, except his eyes were normal. It didn't take long for them to connect eyes, and soon enough, connect lips.

  Except these two were strictly friends, Best Friends at most. But what can I say? Best Friends just seem to do it best, better than anyone you've ever could have imagined.

𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang