XI. She's Not Into You

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  Chapter 11,
   She's Not Into You

  Chapter 11,   She's Not Into You~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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  Tired, exhausted, frustrated, and confused. Those were the emotions that Yasmin has, and it's only been getting worse by the second. Something was definitely wrong with her, but she couldn't put her finger on it and it was killing her.
  Talking to Blake helped a little bit but it didn't fix anything, it only made matters worse. When Yasmin got home, she just lied in bed and stared up at the ceiling.

  What, the fuck, is wrong with me..?

That was the last thing Yasmin thought of as she closed her eyes, and forced herself to try to sleep. She wished that all of this would go away when she woke up, this wasn't fair to her.
  It's weird, Chloe had began to gain feelings for Yasmin but Yasmin wasn't interested, now that Chloe is interested in someone's else, Yasmin gains her feelings. This was never meant to be, it was never going to work out for either one of these girls.

  Life was only going to get harder every day, but they weren't sure how hard it was going to get. Blake's words rang through Yasmin's head as she tossed and turn, maybe she did need a distraction. However, she knew she shouldn't use anyone for her personal gain. It would be right.
  This problem was going to solve itself soon, the confused girl just needed to sleep it off, even if she didn't want to. Everything was going to get better, even if she didn't believe it was going to. Someone was going to love her the way she needed to be loved, even if she thought nobody was going to.


  Everything didn't get better, nor did it solve itself when Yasmin woke up. She still woke up feeling annoyed, and confused, but she was hungry as well. The girl woke up with a message from her beloved best friend, telling her she would be over at her house in an hour.
  Yasmin wasn't sure if she was ready to face Chloe, she was so confused with where her thoughts took her. Was this even normal for girls like her?

  There was a possibility that all friends thought this way about their special best friend, but Yasmin wasn't convinced. Instead, she was a hundred percent sure that it was only her that felt this way. This was the first time that she would have ever thought this way about a girl, well, about her best friend.
  There have been some instances where Yasmin had looked at a girl and her mind ran wild, but never with her best friend. That's why everything was so confusing.

  But that didn't matter at this moment, Chloe was coming over and Yasmin needed a way to clear her mind. She didn't want her own best friend to know that she was thinking all sorts of things about her, especially in a way she's never done before. This needed to end, or at least be put on pause until the girl was gone.
  Of course Yasmin at least tried to be supportive and happy for Chloe, getting a guy who actually treated her right was always good. But it felt like a stab in the heart, and that wasn't good.

  As Chloe knocked on the door rapidly, Yasmin took a deep breath and exhaled it. Opening the door, she smiled and allowed her best friend in. It seemed as if everything was calm again, Yasmin was calm.
  Her mind was empty from the things that she was thinking, and worrying about. As the two hugged each other briefly, Chloe blurted out that she had some good news.

  "Well, what is it Chloe?" Yasmin asked as she closed and locked the front door, before walking to the living room.

  Chloe trailed behind her with the biggest smile on her face, which was a dead giveaway that something amazing happened to her.

  "I think June is going to ask me to be his girlfriend!" Chloe exclaimed as she began to jump up and down in excitement, hoping her best friend would return the energy.

But Yasmin didn't, she just stood there with a blank stare. This wasn't meant to happen at all, but it did, and it was all her fault. Any chances of figuring herself out and probably getting with Chloe, are gone now.
  Now it was obvious, and crystal clear that Chloe didn't like girls, she didn't want to date them. What hurt the most is that Chloe didn't like Yasmin, and she wouldn't want to date her.

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