X. Tea Time

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  Chapter 10,
   Tea Time

    A week has passed and Chloe found herself slowly growing attached to June, they had messaged back and forth, calling until they passed out, and even began to make plans for the future

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    A week has passed and Chloe found herself slowly growing attached to June, they had messaged back and forth, calling until they passed out, and even began to make plans for the future. Except, the plans were platonic and not romantic, which crushed Chloe a tiny bit but she didn't let it show. If she had to keep being just friends with June, to keep him in her life since he was a sweetheart, then so be it.
  You would keep that special person around too, even if it meant you won't ever date them again. It didn't matter, what matters is that you're never going to have to feel lonely and wonder where you went wrong. People like June and Yasmin, are always a blessing to have in your life.

   "I think I'm going to ask him if he wants to go on another date, I hope he says yes." Chloe beamed at the thought of June, but she didn't know she was doing it.

  Chloe also hadn't noticed that her best friend was staring at her, with a dirty look. Except, the look wasn't for her but for June. How dare he take the attention of her best friend, and leave nothing for Yasmin. He was a thief, and a no good bitch as well.
  For the sake of Chloe though, Yasmin faked a smile and encouraged her to go ahead and ask June out. This girl needed to speak to someone, someone who wouldn't dare tell a soul about what she was feeling.

  "I'm going to meet up with a friend, I'll be back later. Tell me what he said when I come back, I'll see you later Chlo!" Yasmin shouted as she rushed to the front door, not waiting for a response.

  The minute her foot was outside of the house, Yasmin took her phone out from her pocket and began to message a friend of hers. It seemed as if she was waiting for all of eternity before he messaged back, but he did. They agreed to meet up at the coffee shop, and he was willing to listen to all of her problems. That's how the friendship lasted, they listened to one another when they were hurt.
  All of the frustrations Yasmin was feeling, seeped into her veins as she began to walk faster. As her breath was starting to get faster, she clenched her fists until her knuckles were white. Fuck June, fuck his perfection, Yasmin was better.

  Why was she feelings this way, why is she so obsessed with the fact June could make her best friend happier than her. Why was she so fixated on who Chloe dates, this wasn't like her at all. Yasmin need help, and she wasn't sure if she needed professional.
  Everything sucked, nothing made sense anymore, Yasmin's mind was clouded with thoughts as she arrived to the coffee shop. Luckily, the boy was already sitting down at a tablet waiting for her.

  "I am so lucky to have in my life, do you want to have some tea?" Yasmin asked as she sat down in front of the boy.

  "Yes, we haven't had tea talk time in forever!" The boy smiled as he waved over the waitress.

"Blake, thank you for being here for me. Even if I'm crying about something completely idiotic and not important." Yasmin choked out as her tears seemed to creep up on her, she had just finished ranting.

  Blake was always a great friend between her and June, he kept her calm when Chloe couldn't. He just had the magic touch that nobody else had, and that's what kept her so controlled.
  "It isn't idiotic, and it is important. I think you just need to find someone who can distract you from what you're feeling." Blake spoke as he finished his tea, he kept eye contact with the girl as she wiped away her tears.

  Yasmin only nodded her head, as much as she wanted this little tea talk time to work, it didn't, and she was left feeling more confused. Was she jealous that Chloe was getting more love than her, or was she jealous that Chloe wasn't giving her any love at all.

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