XX. Satisfied?

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  Chapter 20,

It has been a month, a long ass time skip. June and Chloe have been going strong while Yasmin had slowly watched her feelings for Chloe dissolve. Blake was proud of her, and has been standing by her side completely. Even though the girls are supposed to be really close, Yasmin knew she didn't want Chloe to know about her feelings.
Yasmin might of thought that she was being discreet about her feelings, she really wasn't, but Chloe didn't want to ask her about it.

  "How come we haven't hung out in a month?" Chloe asked as the two girls walked into a diner and sat down at a booth.

  Yasmin didn't know what to say to that, she knew the reason why they didn't hang out.

  "I honestly have no idea, but I'm glad we're hanging out now." Yasmin smiled as she skimmed through the menu.

  As the girls ordered their drinks and food, they caught up on things they've missed when they didn't hang out. At one point their friendship came up as a topic and Yasmin decided it would be best if she told Chloe about her feelings, but play it off as if it was a past tense thing. Considering her feelings for Chloe wasn't as strong as they were before, Yasmin wanted to speak about it now.

"I've got something to tell you, it's pretty fucking funny so I know you're going to laugh," Yasmin began, as she started to giggle a little bit knowing that she no longer felt the way she used to for her best friend.

  It's weird how it took about a month to fully get over a crush, but Yasmin is glad that she got over it. It could have ruin the friendship, and it was pretty clear that she would have never forgiven herself if it did. Besides, almost everyone has a small crush on their best friend, the only difference is that some people actually have a chance.
Once the whole story left Yasmin's lips, Chloe's smile faltered a bit but it stood on her face. Yasmin was way too into laughing at herself to even realize that her best friend's mood had completely changed.

  "Wait you actually had a crush on me, is that why we haven't hung out in a month?"

  Their food had arrived, and Yasmin nodded her head before taking a bite out of her burger. Chloe only let go of the topic because she didn't want to make Yasmin uncomfortable but she wanted to know more, she wanted to know how long did this officially lasted. For now however, Chloe was going to let it go because it was over now. Besides, she was happy with June, he made her very happy and she was satisfied with him.


Late at night, Chloe sat down on her couch. June was sleeping over, but for some reason the girl was unable to fall asleep. Yasmin's words replayed in her head over and over again, it felt surreal knowing that her best friend had a crush on her. What's even worse was that Chloe once had a crush on Yasmin as well.
  It seemed unfair, both to her and June. June is happy in the relationship and not thinking of anyone else, but then there's Chloe.

  She thought she was satisfied with June and her relationship but now she's rethinking it all. What if everything was different and she had asked Yasmin out.
  Tears stung the girl's eyes as she sighed, why did this have to happen now? Especially knowing she's happy in a relationship.

  Shit just hit the fan now, and Blake is nowhere to be found to try and clean it up. This is going to trigger Chloe's fight or flight. Now it's Chloe's time to feel the complications of life.
  I wonder if she's going to take it well, who knows?

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