XVIII. Baby, I'm Yours

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  Chapter 19,
   Baby, I'm Yours

"Y'know, you're a good best friend to Chloe." June smiled as he sat down next to Yasmin, on the couch.

  Yasmin only nodded her head, the efforts of June trying to get or stay on Yasmin's good side didn't go unnoticed, the girl just didn't care. She didn't want June to warm up to her and she sure as hell did not want to warm up to June.  She was only putting up with his existence for Chloe.
It seemed childish but then again not all best friends are going to accept a boyfriend or girlfriend, and they don't have to either. Normally it's in a playful manner, and they don't mean any harm but Yasmin did. The jealous girl wanted June to leave and never return.

  Why must she feel this way? Especially knowing that he is the one making Chloe so happy. Yasmin came to terms that she will always feel this way towards Chloe, and will have to live with the fact Chloe won't reciprocate.  It was eating her alive though, not like she can do anything about that either. This was a secret that can never be shared with anyone else.
  Blake made sure to keep tabs on Yasmin and her feelings, he was the only other person who was aware of this. He couldn't do much either though.

  "I need some fresh air, I'll be right back." Yasmin stated as she rose from the couch and made her way to the front door.

  It was annoying knowing that there are people possibly judging Yasmin over the fact she has a crush on her best friend, it's not like she can control her feelings. Sometimes she wishes she could though, having to watch her best friend love someone else. Chloe will always have love for Yasmin, but it's always going to be platonic. Never will it ever blossom into a romantic love.
  That was a tough pill to stomach, and Yasmin was sure that the pill would stay lodged in the back of her throat. It's hard having to accept that the one thing you ever wanted, is never going to be yours.

  The door for the house is silently shut and Yasmin already knew who it was, Chloe's presence was all too familiar. Yasmin was found sitting on the steps of the house, just thinking.

  "Penny for your thoughts?" Chloe asked as she sat beside the lost in thought girl.

  Yasmin forced out a chuckle before shaking her head, it would take more than just a penny for Yasmin to spill out her guts.

  "June is trying to be your friend, but it's like you're shoving him away. Why is that?"

  He's taking you away from me, why else would I be shoving him away Chlo?

  Those words never made it out of Yasmin's mouth, much less her mind. The girl only shrugged her shoulders and took a moment to explain further. All the lies in the world waited for the moment that Yasmin would finally keep something from Chloe.

  "I have been busy thinking about my own love life, I guess I never realized that I wasn't bonding with June." The lie burnt Yasmin's throat as it came up.

  Chloe only chuckled and nodded her head before asking the Hispanic girl if she had any luck with anyone. Yasmin didn't want to answer knowing that there was nobody she wanted to see. It felt as if the air grew tense and thick.

  I am in love with you Chloe Simone, I love how your hair falls down when you remove it from a ponytail or bun, I enjoy hearing your laugh even if it's at me. I enjoy seeing you smile because you smile with your eyes and I can feel your soul hug mine. Your voice feels like honey, it's smooth and it makes my knees all wobbly. There's nobody else I would like to be with, and I would rather die alone in a ditch if it meant I can't ever be with you!

  "I haven't had any luck, maybe soon though.." Yasmin finally responded after those words surrounded her head.

  "Have patience, the right one will come. Just you wait." Chloe wrapped her arms around Yasmin and the butterflies attacked her stomach.

If Yasmin had the confidence, she would have told Chloe that she belonged to her and only her. Yasmin would whisper to Chloe that she was hers. Except she couldn't, and it was eating her alive.

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