IV. Don't Push Your Luck

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  Chapter 4,
   Don't Push Your Luck

    The little hang out that was arranged by Yasmin was for tomorrow, the trio were going to go to the park to meet up and then go from there

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    The little hang out that was arranged by Yasmin was for tomorrow, the trio were going to go to the park to meet up and then go from there. The whole point of the hang out was to get to know each other again. Creating memories that they didn't have a chance to create before.
  It was going to feel a little really weird considering they might not have anything in common but that's the beauty of it all, sometimes you just have to make the most of it.

  "Do you think he's some fuckboy?" Yasmin asked as she put on some lip gloss, the question caught Chloe off guard as she looked at her best friend.

  As much as Chloe wanted to say no, she didn't know for sure. Jay had the looks of a fuck boy but the intentions could be a little different, or that's what she was hoping for.

  "Not sure.." Chloe hummed in response as she brushed her hair and grabbed her purse.

  Once the girls were ready, they left the house and locked the door behind them. The plan is to meet at the park and see where it goes from there, only positive vibes from here on out. It did feel a little like they were teenagers again, meeting up with their friend from school.
  The park that they chose to meet up at wasn't far, Yasmin last minute decided to take her Polaroid camera. She wanted photos, since they last as long as memories do.

  As Chloe's stomach bubbled up in anxiety, the girls walked down the block and crossed the street. Time can change someone, whether it's for the greater good, it does something to a person.

  The girls got to the park and sprinted to the swings, suddenly they were teenagers again. Nothing changed, they were swinging back and forth, and gossiping as if it was freshmen year all over again.

  "Still the same as the first time I saw y'all." A voice spoke, making the girls quit their chatter and find who was speaking.

  Jay smiled at them as he walked over to the swing set, both Chloe and Yasmin got up from the swings and engulfed him in a hug. He did look different, he grew out his hair and gained outfit style. Not to mention that he looked just as he did in his Instagram, flawless.
  Even though the girls wanted to drool over their friend, they couldn't. Looks might have been killer, but his personality could have been of a doorknob or even a rock. Which both might have more personality than him.

"Long time since we've seen you Jay, what's up with you?" Yasmin questioned as they returned to the swings, it was four swings on the swing set.

  "Nothing much, just living life and doing my job." Jay stated as he swung his legs back and forth.

  "What is your job?" Chloe returned another question, after all, they needed to get acquainted with one another again.

  The question seemed to make Jay a slight but uncomfortable with the way he shifted his body weight but he didn't back down from the question, he was always honest.

"I sell drugs, nothing too big." Jay nonchalantly responded as he shrugged his shoulders.

  The answer to their question seemed to catch both the girls off guard as they went completely silent, what were you meant to respond to that? It seemed like that was just an answer you needed to stay silent for. Yasmin knew Jay more than Chloe since she didn't bother reaching out to him at times.
  Considering there was now an awkward silence, Yasmin got up and grabbed her Polaroid camera and without warning, she snapped a photo of Chloe and Jay. They were just looking at each other.

  "Do you, maybe want to hang out again, possibly, just us?" Jay whispered over to Chloe, which made her go silent.

  She didn't know whether or not she should say yes or say no, he's a drug dealer but he could also be a kidnapper and a murderer. Chloe didn't know Jay like that, the same way Jay didn't know Chloe like that.

  "Sure, why not?" Chloe answered eventually as she got up from the swings, her legs were going numb and she felt like she was going to fall any second now.

  "We can call it a date, and if it goes well, we can have a good ass night." Jay flirted as he winked at the girl.

  "Don't push your luck, Grind." Chloe spoke as she put her hand up in his face before walking off, with Yasmin trailing behind her laughing.

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