XV. An Apple a Day

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  Chapter 15,
   An Apple a Day

"Why do you look so happy?" Chloe asked as Yasmin walked back to the living room, setting her phone down beside her as she looked at her best friend.

  Sometimes those two words hurt, Best friend. That's all Yasmin will ever be towards Chloe, and she had to accept the fact and move on while she can. These feelings can and will eat her alive but she didn't seem to care about that, she just needed to figure out these feelings. They're new, it confused everything.
  It felt like this year was going to be amazing and then a curve ball was thrown at her. Yasmin, she was obviously unprepared and now has to deal with the fact that she needs to put her bat up and try to hit. Knock it out of the park, if you will.

  "Nothing, just thought some things through and I'm just trying to enjoy my life." Yasmin responded as she smiled, Chloe nodded her head slowly as if she was understanding but in reality she understood nothing.

  "Do we have any plans for today? Or should we make something up, cause I'm fucking bored." Yasmin stated as she grabbed her phone off the charger, and went on Instagram.

  Chloe's lips curled up into a smile as she nodded her head, apparently June invited the both of them out for some drinks. The thought of having to see June and Chloe together made Yasmin sick to her stomach, but she was up for some drinks. So the two girls rushed to get changed before rushing out the door to meet June at the bar.
  Chloe wouldn't shut up about her new boyfriend and how he has treated her better than anyone else, not knowing that Yasmin wanted to make her feel thar way. Everything was just going south for her, in her eyes.

  Shoving those feelings and thoughts aside, Yasmin smiled and nodded her head as they walked into the bar. Both of their jaws slightly dropping when they see the girl Jay was seeing there. Literally, what the fuck. Considering that Blake already saw the two, they couldn't back out now.
  With a deep breath followed by two curses under their breaths, Yasmin and Chloe walked over to the table and greeted the happy boy. Blake came back from the bathroom and smiled at the two girls, seemed that he wasn't fazed by the make out from last night.

  "Why the fuck is she here?" Chloe whispered to her boyfriend, although she whispered it loud enough for the girl they despised to hear.

  "My name is Apple, and I can you hear you.. bitch."

   Yasmin only rolled her eyes and nodded, knowing that they were going to make fun of her name the minute they get back to Chloe's house.

  "An Apple a Day keeps the doctor away, but uhm.." Yasmin muttered under breath as she asked the bartender for a shot.

  Blake and Yasmin seemed to let go of what happened last night, agreeing to never mentioning to anyone about what happened. These two make it seem as if they just murdered someone and decided to hide the body. At least you could tell that they were truly best friends.

  "She makes me sick to my stomach." Yasmin states as she grabbed another shot, Blake only nodded his head in agreement.

  If her name is Apple, then you just know damn well she's rotten inside. You're hearing it from be before you hear it from someone else.

  "Just keep your cool, let's not try to fight tonight."

  The worst words that Blake could have ever said, Yasmin was just waiting for Apple to mess up. So was Chloe, but Yasmin wanted to fight her much more. Blake knew that however, so he was just mentally preparing himself. Shit was going to hit the fan, and as her best friend, he was going to try to prevent it or probably clean it.

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