24 - Prom Pt.1

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(Arden's POV)

After the whole fiasco of that music lesson, it is the end of the school day, and I'm going back to Mia's house to browse online for prom dresses as prom is only a few weeks away.

"Ethan did what?!" Mia screams.
"I know, I know, Mr Mendes said he's going to get him suspended so he won't hurt me again". I reply.
"What is happening with Mr Mendes now? The last time you mentioned him you were upset he was dating Miss Westbrook."

I think back to last weekend when Shawn and I discovered that after a few misunderstandings, all we wanted was each other. I also think back to our promise of keeping our relationship hidden, from everyone, at least until after I graduate.
I answer Mia, "Yeah nothing has changed, I mean if he is happy with Miss Westbrook then there is nothing I can really do about it."
"God that sounds so sad." Mia returns.
"It's fine, I promise!" I look away slightly, not catching Mia in the eye, I feel awful lying to her.


(The night of prom)

I look at myself in my mirror. It was prom. I'm wearing the most beautiful pastel pink, sequined backless dress, with matching silver shoes. My hair is in loose waves and I tried to do my makeup as natural as possible. I always imagined that my date would be at the bottom of the stairs with a corsage of beautiful pink peonies and my mum bursting with excitement, ready with the camera. And although my mum is downstairs, still bursting with excitement, my date is Mia. Obviously, I love her, but knowing that the man I love is not here to escort me to prom, does upset me, as it was always something I dreamt about as a little girl. However, I put on a brave demeanour and go downstairs, cheering away to the camera that is flashing away.


Mia and I exit the Rolls Royce that we hired, outside the venue. Usually, this is where we have professional photos taken from the school. After another abundance of flashes, Mia and I walk past the gates into the venue hand in hand. After going into the foyer, we are met with Miss Westbrook, who takes down our names. We soon hurry inside and we are met with loud music and disco lights. It was amazing. We went to go and pick up some punch before making our way to the dancefloor. Lover by Taylor Swift started to play, my new current music obsession and promptly, Mia drags me into the middle of the dance floor.

(Shawn's POV)

I arrived to chaperone the prom not long ago. On my way in I skimmed the register and saw that Arden was already there.
"Hello, stranger". I hear behind me, a cold hand tapping me on my shoulder.
I turn around quickly, feeling as though someone has caught me doing something wrong.
"Urm, Hi Polly". I reply.
"I'm surprised you're helping me with the chaperoning, it's quite well known in the school that it isn't an exactly fun Saturday night when you're not a teen".
"Just wanted to help out where I can," I say, definitely not mentioning that the only reason I signed up to chaperone was that I could see Arden at prom.
"Well, I just wanted to let you know I have no hard feelings about what happened on the ski trip", she huffs.
"I'm... I'm glad", I reply, not really paying too much attention. "I'm just going to grab a drink... See you around Polly".

I grabbed a drink and wandered across the sidelines of the dancefloor. Lover by Taylor Swift was playing.

And there she was.

Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my

My eyes fixate on Arden in her beautiful pink dress and doting that gorgeous smile, whilst dancing away.
She glances over in my direction, we lock eyes and suddenly, my surroundings melt away. It was like it was just me and her, even though she is on the other side of the room. I could feel my heart pretty much beat outside my chest, followed by a yearning feeling of just wanting to be the one she is dancing with.
Arden smiles in my direction before breaking eye contact.

God, I love her.

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