13- Hotel Room Antics

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{Arden's POV}

"Arden and Mia, this is your room, you only have one key so please make sure you don't lose it." Miss Westbrook announces, as she gives the key to Mia. "Now you have about an hour to unpack before you both have to be back downstairs for dinner, don't dress casually."

Mia opens the door to our room as soon as Miss Westbrook walked off. "I call this bed!" I scream, as I jump onto the bed closest to the window. "I'm genuinely surprised they gave us double beds, it's not like we're sharing."
"Yes but why complain now that you have even more room for Mr Mendes to join?" Mia laughs.
"Mia I can't deal with you." I confess.
"I'm just trying to be a supportive friend."
"And you are." I chuckle. "Now should I change for dinner?"
"Do it, wear that beige slip dress you said that you packed."

I did as Mia said, although I felt over dressed. "Mia I don't know about this-"
"Listen to me Arden, you look fucking hot and boy's will be weak at the knees."
"That's my goal." I joke.

Mia changes into high waisted trousers with a red crop top. Whilst doing our hair and makeup, we were bopping to the High School Musical 2 album, goals right?!

We eventually made our way to the hotel's restaurant, where we already saw half of the group waiting.
I see Shawn, he was wearing a shirt, like always. Needless to say, he looked amazing.
"Hello ladies." He smiles, as he comes over to us.

"You know what Arden, I left my phone on our room , I'll just go and get it quickly. Apologies Mr Mendes."  Mia says, before hurrying away. It was clear that she wanted me and Shawn to talk privately, especially as we took a selfie in the hallway on her phone on the way down here.

"You look very smart Mr Mendes, I can tell that you really love you shirts." I say, suddenly feeling nervous at his intense eye contact.
"I only discovered that I liked wearing them a few months ago, but you look amazing, as usual." He replies.

"Thank you." I say as I felt my cheeks blush extensively.
"No problem." He grins, showing off his perfect smile. "Are you going to ski tomorrow or explore the town?"
"One hundred percent ski, although when we drove through the town to get here, I saw a Wendy's, so I may have to change my plans." He looks at me and laughs.

"Not interrupting am I?" Mia says, as she comes out of nowhere. "Turns out my phone was in my pocket!"
"I was just about to ask what kind of food this restaurant serves, Mr Mendes do you know? I ask him.
"I think it's a grill, well by the looks of it." He replies.

"I'll definitely be having a cheeseburger then." Mia chuckles. "Sorry Mr Mendes, I know you was talking to Arden, but could I have her back?"
"Go for it." He laughs. "See you girls soon."

"He likes you, I can tell."
"Why do you say that?" I ask.
"Because of how he looks at you." I look over towards Mia quickly.
"How does he look at me?"

"He looks as you the same way I look at cheeseburgers; like he's been in love with you ever since he first laid eyes on you at the concert."

And even though it wasn't coming from him directly, my heart still fluttered at the thought.


For dinner I ordered a mixed grill, whilst Mia, clearly had a cheeseburger.

"You'll never believe who's coming over." Mia whispers, as we both finish our meals.

"Hey Arden, Mia."

"What's up Ethan?" I say, smiling.
"Well me and Daniel are inviting a few people back to our room after this, nothing bad. Just to listen to music and chill. You both down?" He asks, looking somewhat anxious.

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