23 - Back to school

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*I am so incredibly sorry that I have not posted in forever! In all honesty I busy with college and now university, but I felt uninspired as I was listening to new artists and continuing Wattpad was not something I was passionate about. Which meant that I would not be able to write to the best of my ability. But recently in this third lockdown, I came back to Wattpad and discovered I had 4k reads on this book and an astounding 89k on Ruin!! I never would of imagined that a magnitude of that many people would read what I posted! I am so grateful for the support I have always had and I promise I will at least complete this book by the end of the year! I hope you are all staying safe, better times are ahead <3*

{Arden's POV}

The weekend past and for the first time I couldn't wait to go back to school. I have not seen Shawn since that night, and although I'm nervous to see what he'll be like in lessons, knowing that he is mine and I am his makes my heart burst with happiness. 

Mom made Cayden and I French toast, which was oddly peculiar as the most she has made us for breakfast for a long time was just a standard bowel of cereal.

"What's all this for?" Cayden gleamed as he entered the kitchen. 

"Well I just thought it would be nice to make my beautiful kids a lovely home cooked breakfast ahead of their days at high school", Mom happily replied.

"I'm not satisfied with that answer Mom." I stated. "Was this about what we were talking about the other night?, I raised my brow.

"Cayden honey would you mind fetching my jacket from my room please before I take you both to school?" Mom asked. Cayden groans but heads upstairs.

"I didn't want to say this in front of your brother as I know he is very protective and I wanted to make sure with you that it is an okay thing to do." My Mom said, as she sat beside me sipping the coffee from her mug. "What is it?" I replied, now feeling slightly anxious.

"Well, I was speaking to Patrick on the phone last night about where my head was in this relationship and how I'm scared to be let down again after your father.... gosh I don't know how to say this... we may have decided to try and live together... you know to see how things can progress not just with me but you kids. If it doesn't work out, then that is fine. You kids will forever be my priority and that's why I want Patrick to be around you both more, to see if there is a potential future. What do you think Arden?"

I take a large sip from my mug and ponder for a moment about what Mom just said. "If you're really serious about this guy then I am more than happy for him to come into our home. Just make sure he does not leave the toilet seat up! It's taken us years to train Cayden to always put it down and I am not going back to how it was", I chuckle as Mom holds her hands around mine.


As I was heading to music class, I was reflecting not on Shawn but on my Mom. This is such a big deal for her, and as much as I want to be excited, I can't help but wonder if she has bad taste in men and this one will hurt her even more than my dad.

These thoughts paused as I saw Shawn's cheesy smile as he welcomed everyone into class. 

"Good afternoon everyone? Are we ready to writing some music ahead of our performances?" He said a little to eager, as he was met with some groans.

"Morning sir", I said to Shawn as I put my belonging under my desk. "How was your weekend Miss Rose?" He replied. "Oh you know, pretty unexciting." I said to him. He chuckled to himself before starting the lesson.

One thing that I did start to think about was how easy this seems to be. Only 4 months left of high school, until we can be a public couple, and it'll be a piece of cake acting normal in school until then...

My thoughts pondered for too long and I snapped back to reality when Ethan prodded me on the shoulder. 

"Long time no see stranger", he whispers in an almost sarcastic tone. "It's not been that long", I reply, unaware of what he was trying to get out of this conversation.

"Ooo someone is still being sassy.... So are you still leading guys on or have you decided to be a bit less of a whore?" Ethan says, dropping his sarcastic smile.

I take a deep breath before I decide how to reply. "You know what Ethan, yes I was confused about how I felt for you at first. But that is because you sprung it upon me and suddenly you're saying how much you love me and all that, which I'm sure you didn't tell Daniel or William", I said as I caught William's attention."I was confused and all you did was make me feel bad for not reciprocating how you felt. You know what, I did feel bad about making you upset, but my God I am lucky that I dodged a bullet, you are a complete narcissist and I pray for whatever girl ends up with you." I retort.

"I don't know what is going on in your demented mind but I'm sure it has to do with your dad leaving you." Ethan sighs. "He left you with daddy issues didn't he?" He mocks. I try my best to ignore these hurtful remarks as I know he is speaking out of a place of hatred and hurt. 

"So you're ignoring me now? You don't even have the decency to listen to me when I am talking to you?" Ethan berates as he grabs my wrist. "Get off me", I beg quietly not wanting Shawn to see. But he didn't, his grip was getting tighter.

I use my other hand to slap Ethan across the face, so loud that everyone turned around and Shawn had stopped teaching.

"What the hell Arden?" Shawn exclaims as he walks over. "This crazy bitch hit me", Ethan whines. "Ethan go to medical and get an ice pack" Shawn says to him. Ethan gives me one final look before heading off. Shawn hovers over my desk and says "I don't know what made you compelled to do that but I am not happy, stay behind afterwards so you can explain to me what happened. Understood?". "Yes Mr Mendes", I reply still in shock.

The lesson came to an end about 20 minutes after. I stay behind in my seat and wait for the rest of the class to leave. 

Shawn gets up from his desk and walks over and pulls up a chair opposite me.

"Shawn I am so sorry." I whisper. "Arden I know that Ethan liked you and you rejected him but why did you hit him? I can't believe you would do something like that? He sighs.

"You don't understand, before that he was calling me a whore, and making fun of the fact my dad left me and.." Tears started falling down my face. "And then he grabbed my wrist so tight because I said I dodged a bullet." 

"He did what to you?" He says. Amongst my tears I could see anger fill Shawn's face. I roll up my hoodie and show Shawn the red marks that Ethan left behind. "I'm going to kill him" Shawn mutters under his breath.

"No, you have to leave it!" I beg. "I already got my own back! That's why I hit him, so he'd let go." "Arden I am so sorry, but I am getting Ethan suspended from school." Shawn says, wiping the tears of my cheek. "Regardless, he hurt you, not only verbally but physically, if I can't get my hands on him, I'll at least make sure he doesn't hurt you ever again. Okay sweetheart?" He says, now holding my face.

"Okay", I reply back to him, still in a sense of shock. "There is nothing I won't do for you my love, I know I have to be completely different here but this is only temporary. It'll be okay, I promise". Shawn reassures, as he kisses me gently. 

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