2- Midnight Adventures

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{Arden's POV}

"That's such a beautiful name." Shawn replies.

"It's pretty average." I laugh.

Shawn pauses before he finally says "I still feel bad with what happened, can I make it up to you?"

I hesitate, as I was thinking about Mia. Although, she is one of the most independent people I know so I have no doubt she's going to be okay.

"Sure, why not." I glee. "Why don't we make an adventure out of it?" I suggest, raising my brow.

"I'm down for that. Queen's park is a good place to start". He replies.

"They have some of those bikes that you can rent around the city a few streets away, sound good?"

"Sounds brilliant." He grins.

I pick up my bag and hang it around my shoulder before Shawn and I go back round to the front of the venue. Surprisingly there was still quite a lot of people outside.

I look back at Shawn who was behind me, he reaches out and holds my left hand, as he guides me through the crowd of people.

"Are you okay?" He asks, as we get past, still holding my hand.

"I am, I think the bikes are just down there." I say, as I point to the end of the road. "Race you there." I grin, breaking the contact between our hands.

As soon as I start to run, Shawn very quickly catches up and pasts me, occasionally turning back and mocking my speed.

Halfway there, I slow down and stop catching my breath. This was a lot of exercise for my considering most of my free time I sit on the coach binge watching netflix.

I saw Shawn carry on, but as he went to turn back around again, he too stopped and then came back over towards me.

"Couldn't take it eh?" Shawn mocks.

"Sadly not, you win." I laugh, still out of breath.
"Come on, let's walk the rest of it." Shawn says, as he reaches his hand out to me.

I grab it momentously.

For the whole two more minutes it took to get to the bikes, Shawn and I walked slowly.

"So Arden." Shawn says, looking at me.
"Yes Shawn?" I respond.
"Tell me about yourself. Hopes, dreams, fears?"

"I'm pretty uninteresting." I sigh. "But I guess my dream would be to move to London. And my fear would defiantly be clowns and enclosed spaces. What about you?"

"My dream would always be to pursue music one day, but at the moment I'm happy at where I am now, so I don't see a reason for changing careers yet. And my fear would be deep water. Like if I feel off a boat in the middle of the sea. I think I'd just die from being so scared."

"I mean that's understandable. Oh look they're here!" I look over to a series of old styled bikes, similar to what they would have in Paris.

We got two of them and started to cycle to Queen's park which was about fifteen minutes away.


As we arrived, we put our bikes against a brick wall, and we went over to the officers' monument.

A few yards away there was a small group of musicians who were playing what seemed to be a waltz. There was a violinist, pianist and flute.

Shawn looked at me and he says, "May I have this dance?"

I smile like an idiot, I'm in awe of his personality. He's kind and so sweet. I graciously take his hand.

"I'm probably the worst dancer." I laugh quietly into his ear.

"Step onto my feet and I'll guide you." He replies, looking down to his shoes.

I do so lightly. He starts taking steps, following the rhythm of the music. Every so often I would fall off and he'd catch me and we would both end up laughing in hysterics.

Could this night get any better?

"Shawn let's explore some more." I suggest.

"Let's do it." He says straight away.

This time I grab his hand and take him closer to the Royal Ontario Museum.

"You know I've never been here before." Shawn exclaims, as we run up the stairs towards it.
"I used to come here all the time, you see over there, they have all these statue of columns that I always played by. I'd hide and whoever I was with had to find me." I say back to him.

"Well I'll count to thirty." Shawn chuckles.

I quickly go far into the columns, not wanting to make this easy for him.

I eagerly await for Shawn. I made sure I was breathing lightly, so that we would not be able to hear me either.

A few minutes later I heard a faint series of footsteps, which could only be Shawn's.

Abruptly, Shawn touched my shoulder and he appeared in front of me. For a few moments, there was silence.

We looked into each others eyes. I was mesmerised by the deep swirls of brown and green that coloured his pupils.

The next thing I knew, he had slammed his lips to mine and nearly knocked all wind from my lungs.

I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and, at my grant of access, delved inside my mouth.

My arms reached up and slightly tugged the collar of his shirt to pull him closer. Then I moved them and tangled them  around his thick, strong neck.

Then, his hand drifted to my hip. For a second it settled there and he pulled me even closer. I inhaled sharply.
I was against his warm chest, which was also chiseled to perfection.
Why is he so perfect?
He began nuzzling my neck with delicate kisses. His head then moved so that it was angled slightly to the side as Shawn's lips came closer and closer to mine.
I was surprised to find that my lips parted. Our breathes mingled.
My heart was fluttering inside my chest.

Shawn stepped back, catching his breath. "Arden I...I-" Shawn stutters.

"It was nice." I can't help but smile like a fool. "One last adventure?"

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