16- Hospital

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{Arden's POV}

"He-he what?" I stutter, as my heart felt like it was tearing through my chest.

"Arden I'm so sorry, I just felt like I had to tell you." She says, rushing over to me and hugging me tightly.

"What kind of kiss was it?" I manage to say, whilst my eyes wear filling with tears.

"It wasn't like a peck, he had his hands around her face and-"
"I think I get the idea."

"What are you going to do?" Mia asks.

"Well there's not much I can do." I admit, feeling defeated. Of course I want to go to Shawn and tell him how much I love him and how it's killing me every single second.
But I can't
And the impossible feeling of never having that kind of love returned made me want to crawl up into a corner and never leave.

"I know this sounds so stupid, I hate that I'm going to even say this, but I promise you Arden that one day you are going to be loved so much, that all of what is going on right now won't mean a damn thing. Because you'll be so happy and content, that you'll look back and laugh at how Mr Mendes was too blind to see how incredible you are."

"How is it possible to get over him and get rid of my feelings when I see him constantly?" I reply.
"It's not going to happen over night, but in the meantime you just need to slowly accept the way things are and focus on other things that bring you joy. Or maybe just find another crush." She laughs, making me feel a lot better.

"Do you know what Ethan said to be earlier?" I say, eager to hear her response.
"I saw that things were a little heated, what did he say?" Mia replies.

"He said that he loved me."


That night, I couldn't get to sleep because every time I shut my eyes, all I could see was Shawn just there. But thankfully Mia didn't mind staying up with me and chatted to me about random things that would take my mind off him. I mean because for all I know, Shawn and Miss Westbrook could have been sharing a bed that night.

Although, around 4am we both finally slept for a few hours, until it was time to get up and make the most of our last day here.

Mia and I decided to skip breakfast, as we didn't want to rush. Instead, we had some fruit that we bought the day before which we didn't yet eat, before we got dressed into our ski gear and heading outside.

We then make our way onto the ski lift, which was taking us to the top of one of the mountains.

"I wish we didn't have to leave tomorrow morning." Mia sighs.
"Back to school and exciting studying, sounds lit." I joke.

I look out and see endless amounts of white snow that covered the mountains beautifully. It was truly on the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

We get off the lift when we reach the top, and together we both put on our goggles.

"Arden, Arden, Arden." Mia says repetitively.
"What?" I question, wondering what could be so urgent.

"I know we're on top a mountain, and I know it's not exactly steep, but don't panic."
"Is it who I think it is?" I sigh.

"It is, do you want me to say something to him? Because you know I would." She says.

I turn around and see Shawn get off the ski lift alone.

"What do I do?" I panic.

"Mr Mendes!" Mia shouts, drawing his attention. I could see the fear form on his face, as he too is unsure of what to do. "MR MENDES!" Mia shouts even louder.

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