10- Awkward Situations

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{Shawn's POV}

I sent my Mom a text to let her know I was in the car outside of her house.

It was Saturday afternoon and I was taking her out for lunch so we could catch up and talk about how my new job is going.

"Hey sweetie." She says, as she gets into my car.
"How are you Mom?" I ask, turning on the engine. I pull out of the drive as she says, "I've been keeping well, your dad and Aaliyah too. Although I think she's a little sad because you can't make it to her season final hockey game."
"I'm sorry it's just the principal asked me to go and I thought that considering I'm new there, that I should impress everyone. I'll buy her gift when I'm there to make it up to her."
"I'm sure she'd appreciate that Shawn." She replies.

I drive us to Pickering Town Centre, which when I was younger, I spent a lot of time there. Mainly at Tim Hortons with my friends.


"I was thinking maybe we could go to that new gourmet burger place?" I ask as we walk through the doors of the mall.
"Sounds lovely Shawn. Is that..? Oh Shawn look it's Olivia Rose, you know my work colleague."


"Which one Mom? You work with a bunch of people." I say, pretending that I had absolutely no clue who she was on about, although I knew perfectly well that it was Arden's Mom.

"The one's who's daughter you're giving piano lessons in." She replies. I look over and there Ms Rose was, just coming out of H&M.

"Olivia!" My Mom shouts.

Ms Rose looks up towards us and smiles, before hurrying over. Needless to say I was nervous, I mean if she ever got suspicious of Arden and I's past, I'd be dead.

"Karen how are you? And is this Shawn? Lovely to meet you at last! Arden told me all about her piano lesson, she has already learnt a lot!"

"Arden is a very good student." I chuckle.

"Hey Mom, I didn't end up getting that top-" Arden pops up out of nowhere. She pauses as soon as she see's that I'm there.

"Look Arden it's your piano teacher!" Her mother says.
"I'm aware of that Mom, hey Mr Mendes." She smiles.

"Mr Mendes sounds a little formal for a music lesson." My Mom raises her brow.

"Oh did you not know?" I say, "I'm also Arden's music teacher at school."

"Arden you didn't tell me you already knew Shawn."
"Well I didn't think it was that important." Arden sighs.

"Well what a small world!" Her Mom replies joyfully.

Both our mothers continue to talk about life and work, which left Arden and I standing there awkwardly.

"Are you excited for the ski trip next month?" I ask, making this whole situation a little less uncomfortable.
"Oh yeah, I am." She returns, fairly bluntly.

Suddenly both our Mom's turned around and faced us.

"Arden would it be okay if I go and get a coffee with Karen?"

Arden seemed to be stunned.

"Shawn would you mind too dear?" My Mom says also.

And at this point, Arden and I both had shocked faces.

"What about our meal?" I ask, baffled.
"Shawn we can go after, half a hour, tops."

"What am I supposed to do for half an hour Mom?" Arden asks.
"Why don't you go and get some of the ski equipment you need. Maybe Shawn could go with you?"

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