11- Dangerous

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{Shawn's POV}

The school bell rings, initiating the wave of kids to come into my classroom. Everyone walking in had smiles plastered all over their faces, not only because it's the last lesson of the day, but because on Monday morning we'd be leaving for the ski trip to Mount St. Louis.

"Excited for the trip Mr Mendes?" Sophie asks, walking in.
"Very much so!" I reply.
"I've never been before so no doubt I'm going to end up with a broken leg." She jokes.
"I'm sure you'll be fine."
"Well at least I know you're always be there so catch me if I fall."

I look at her confusingly.
"It's a joke Mr Mendes!"

"Oh I see, go and get your seat, we need to crack on with lesson."
"On it Sir."

As the whole class seated, my eyes can't help but glance over to Arden, she was talking the boy called Ethan who was sat next to her.
"Arden, Ethan, you can chat after the hour's finished but I need all your attention now." I say, making them to look somewhat annoyed at me.

I played a clip for the class to watch and review, nothing too harsh for the last lesson.
I left them all to it as it's something they would have learnt to of done last year.

There was pretty much silence as I was marking through some work from another class, until I heard two snickers from the corner.
I looked up to see Arden and Ethan talking yet again.

"Guys, stop it, everyone else is trying to work." I sigh.

"Sorry Mr Mendes." Arden says, putting her head back down to work, whilst Ethan smirked.

I carried on marking and within five minutes I heard Arden yet again.

I looked up and saw Ethan touching Arden's arm, a second later I then heard Arden say, "Ethan seriously get off-"

I clenched my jaw before standing up, making everyone look at me. "Ethan what are you doing?" I said sternly.
"I was just helped her with the introduction Mr Mendes!"

What bullshit

"Arden was he helping you?" I ask her. She waits a moment before ever so slightly nodding her head.

Still angered by what just happened I said, "Ethan if I dare see you touching Arden or speaking to her, I will not hesitate in sending you to the vice principal's office. Do I make myself understood?"

"Yes sir."

I felt somewhat satisfied after I saw the defeated look in his face.

The rest of the hour went quickly and before I knew it everyone was leaving to go home.

I stayed sat at my desk, finishing the last of my marking. I thought everyone had gone but I heard a light footstep.

"Mr Mendes?" Arden says quietly.

"Shut the door." I say, as I sit up with my back up straight. "Are you okay Arden? Is it Ethan?"
"That's thing, why did you act like that?" She asks, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"He was disrupting you and eventually the whole class, I would've done it if it was anyone else I assure you."

"Oh okay." She hesitates. "So I guess I'll see you Monday morning?"
"Don't be late whatever you do." I chuckle.
"Mr Mendes youdefinitely don't know me at all, I can never be late, only ever early." She laughs.

"Get a lot of rest this weekend, you'll be on the go next week."
"See you Mr Mendes." She smiles as she leaves.

I can't but smile to myself after she leaves, this trip was going to be amazing.

In the next ten minutes I pack up and lock the room, I was in a rush because I had to go and see my family before I had to go home and get ready for tonight.


I was excited for this evening because I was finally catching up with my friend Colton, who is a member of the band I opened for a few weeks ago.

We were going to a bar so I put on one of my favourite shirts that was dark grey with plant details.

I ordered a cab to the bar because I'd definitely not be okay to drive at the end of the night.


"Shawn my man how are you?" Colton cheers as I walk into the bar and see him sitting on a stool.
I go and sit next to him before saying, "I'm really good man! Yourself?"
"Yeah I'm good too, I'm just a bit sad that this small tour has come to a finish."
"Understandable." I reply.
"But Shawn, if we go on tour again, you should definitely come and be our opener." Colton proposed whilst sipping a beer.
"Colton I'd love to but as much as love performing my passion is teaching music." I reply.
"Well the offers always there Shawn." He chuckles. "God it's only been like 3 weeks and we have a lot to catch up on, how's the new job anyways?" He asks.
"I'm actually really enjoying it, I mean I'm still new to the teacher thing, I only graduated over a year ago. And I've only been teaching assisting and subbing at another school to get experience. But yeah, I'm really liking it." I glee.
"That's so good to hear, God remember when we were at school?" He laughs.
"I remember too vividly." I join in.
"Me, you and Ian were like the ultimate studs."
"Definitely not me."
"Come on Shawn, you had girls always going after you, Lauren for example?" He raises his brow.
"Yes but I did actually date Lauren so you're forgetting that detail." I respond.
"Speaking of girls, after the concert in Toronto I saw you go off with a girl."

At this moment I almost choked on my drink.

"D-Did you?" I stutter.
"I mean I didn't see who, just that she had brown hair. What happened with her?" Colton asks.

I mean, if he didn't see who it was and I don't name her, surely I can tell him?

"It was kind of crazy actually."
"Please expand."
"Well we went everywhere, like an adventure. We both had so much fun, like we went all around Toronto."

"Shawn you're smiling like such an idiot, oh my god did you sleep with her?" He asks, stunned.
"I may or may not have." I reply.

"That's my dude. I'm hella proud." Colton laughs.
"But like Colton, she was everything I've ever wanted, you know? Like I dated Lauren for three years and there's was something that was missing and with that girl from that night I found out what it was."
"What was it?"
"The fact that she lived in the moment. She was so beautiful too, like words honestly can't explain."
"What happened the morning after?"
"She left, which I get. But I just wish things ended up differently."
"Oh Shawn I'm sorry to hear that." He sympathises. "If you were to ever get a chance to be with her again, would you?"

Yes was the first thought that came to my mind.
But of course we could never get another chance because of the circumstances we're in. Like hell, she's clearly smitten with Ethan, and even though I'm supposed to be the adult, I feel like she's taking this more maturely than me.
Also what Arden said earlier made me think, would I have shouted at Ethan if he was talking to another girl? 

And in this sudden moment of realisation, I knew that I still liked Arden, even though it may be the most dangerous and impossible thing ever.

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