Chapter 17- Bleeding Through

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Evelynn was summed by none other than Zelena, which surprised her, cause of that just happened a few days ago. “What do you want?” She asked the wicked witch.

“What I want is, that you to be on my side.” Zelena replied.

Evelynn scoffed. “You have my father, so never.”

“If you reconsider, I let see your father from his cell.” Zelena smirked.

“I want him free.” Evelynn told her.

“Our mother is Cora.” Zelena comment. “I see you in her, cause i spied in Oz.”

“I don’t know her, only the stories from Regina.” Evelynn told her, frowning. “And she was something.”

Zelena nodded in agreement. “She was indeed.”

“Hmm.” Evelynn hummed. “Why are you doing this?”

Zelena looked at her. “What am I doing?”

“Yes.” Evelynn nodded.

“If you were on my side, i mind tell you. But i will not.” Zelena told her.

“Then, I will leave.” Evelynn stated as then she poofed herself away.


Later, she was helping Belle in the shop as then Regina stormed in. She was rummaging through the items, looking for something that helped her with the situation. “This is all useless crap!” Evelynn watched.

Then, Belle heard the clattering and entered. “Hey! Hey, hey! Stop! Stop it! What... what are you looking for?”

Regina sighed. “I need to destroy my sister. She has my heart.” Belle's became nervous. “Oh, relax. She can't control me with it. I protected it from that. The problem is, I don't know what she's planning on using it for, which is why I need to take her out!” She realized. “That's why I need your help. What do you have here?”

Belle was angrily. “’What do I have here’? Self-respect. Why on Earth or any realm would I help you? The woman who imprisoned me in a tower in her castle, then put me in an asylum for twenty-eight years, who's done nothing but mentally and physically torture me ever since we've known each other!” Evelynn smiled.

Regina looked at her. “Huh. Bookworm's got teeth.”

Belle pointed at the door. “Get out.”

Regina sighed. “Yes. I did all those horrible things... in the past. But right now, I need something to defeat the woman who's puppet-mastering your boyfriend. She has your Rumple, and unless you help me, you may never see him again. I'm sorry, Belle. I really, really am.”

Belle sighed. Her anger went away. “So, I've been trying to match the ingredients that Zelena's been collecting to whatever spell she intends to cast. It would really help if I knew what it so special about your heart. Does she just want it because you're sisters, or...”

“I don’t know.” Evelynn interrupted her.

“I have no idea.” Regina added, then she realized. “The candle. Where's the candle?”

Belle picked up a candle. “Here?”

Regina sighed. “Not that that, Liberace. The two-sided candle Snow used to kill our mother.” She glanced at Evelynn. “Where's that?”

Evelynn was confused. “Huh?”

Belle opened a cabinet, revealing the Enchanted Candle. “Its power's gone now. It's just a relic.”

Regina took the candle. “Yes. That's it.” She glanced at Evelynn. “This isn't about how our mother died. This is about how she lived.”


Emma and Evelynn walked into Regina’s house. Hook, David and Mary Margaret were already there. Hook was sitting in a chair holding a green apple. David and Mary Margaret were sitting at a table as well. Emma looked at Hook, he was holding an apple. “I'd watch out for the apples in this house.”

Hook nodded. “Aye.” He dropped the apple.

Emma sighed. “It was a joke.” She took her jacket off. “Where's your sense of humour?”

Then, Evelynn went to sit next to Mary Margret as Hook stood up. “It left, when the witch arrived.”

“Well, we're gonna take care of that. Regina said she has a plan.” Emma comment.

“I'm sure she does.” Hook told her.

Then the others sat down. David looked daughter. “Emma, will you please tell your mother that we're not gonna name your brother 'Leopold'?”

“Uh, why not? It was my father's name.” Mary Margaret countered.

“People will make fun of him.”

“My father was a king.”

“Which is why, nobody made fun of him.”

“Okay, what about 'Eva' after my mother?”

“I don't know, how that'll work with a boy.”

“It might not be a boy.”

Just then, Regina came in with a tray. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I was making this special tea.” Then, she poured some tea in to each of the small cups in front of each person at the table. David picked up a cup and got ready to drink it. “No! Don't.. drink it. It's a deadly poison summoning the Dark Vortex.”

David looked at the cup as he put it away. “I prefer Earl Grey.”

“The dark what?” Emma asked.

“Zelena came by this morning.” Regina replied, explained. “While the Dark One was stealing my heart, she was here gloating.” She sat down. “She said that my weakness was that I don't know enough of her past. So, I have decided to summon someone who does. We have to talk to my mother.” Then, she turned the lights off and set the candle in the middle of the table. “It's a fairly simple ritual, but not often performed.”

Emma frowned. “If it's easy to talk to the dead, why not do it more?”

“Well, because to do it, you need the murder weapon and… the murderer.” Regina replied.

“Of course.” Evelynn nodded, glancing at Mary Margret, who shifted her chair.

Regina lit both ends of the candle. Then, Emma spoke up. “What do we need to do?”

Then, Regina put her hands up on the table. “Focus on Cora.”

“How can I focus on her, when I didn’t know her?” Evelynn asked.

“Good point.” Regina replied.

Just then, everyone joined hands. Emma hand on Hook's wrist. “Welcoming thoughts?” Hook asked. Evelynn made a face.

“Whatever you've got.” Regina replied.

“Is it…?” Emma was interrupted by Regina, who shushed her.


A few moments later, there was a wind that blew out the fire in the fireplace. Then, they heard something and looked up. They saw a portal open up. “We did it.” Mary Margaret comment.

“Cora?” Regina asled. “Mother, can you hear us? Cora, give us a sign.” The portal flashed with lighting and swirled. “Do not ignore me now, mother. Please, you owe me this.” The table shook as it startled Mary Margaret that she let go. Then, the portal closed.

“Sorry, love.” Hook comment. “That was me. I crossed my legs and bumped the table.” Regina looked up, sighing. Then, she blew out the candle.

“Do we try it again?” Evelynn asked.

Regina sighed. “No, there's no point. It worked. The portal opened, but… nothing came from it. She doesn't want to talk to me. Guess whatever secrets lie in her past, she wants to keep buried there.”

Just then, David walked out of the study followed by the others. “Maybe Belle will have more luck. There has to be something that can help us.”

“I agree.” Evelynn added.

“Right.” Emma comment. “My magic gets more powerful every day. By the time, this all goes down, I'll be ready.”

Regina walked out of the study as well. “Make… sure you are.”

“Come on, let's go.” Emma glanced at Hook. He followed her.

David and Mary Margaret started to leave but then she looked over at Regina and saw how upset she was. “I'm gonna stay and talk to Regina.” Then, she gave David a kiss and he left.

Regina looked her. “I'm not in the mood for a heart-to-heart.”

“To bad, I’m gonna stay as well.” Evelynn comment. Regina nodded.

"I'm not sure that's physically possible right now," Mary Margaret comment.

Regina chuckled. “You can help with the tea cups.” Then, the three of them headed back into the study.

None of them noticed that the front door vanished.


A short time later, Regina, Mary Margaret and Evelynn were in Regina's kitchen. They sat at the island while Regina stood at the sink. “Regina. I want to apologize for what I did to Cora.”

“Murdering her?” Regina asked.

Mary Margaret nodded. “Yeah. I don't take it lightly. I think about it every day.”

“So do I.” Regina comment. “And when I do think about it, I remember That she did kill your mother. So I'll admit that it's complicated.”

“Thank you.” Mary Margaret nodded. “I'm sure you had some things you wanted to say to her.”

Regina scoffed. “Yes, well I'm realizing that my mother walled off a lot of her life from me. She wasn't the warmest mother, but... At least I thought I occupied a singular spot in her heart.” She sighed. “A sister. Zelena.” She sighed again and walked up to the island. “Why would she give her up? Why would she make us strangers to one another?”

“And me as well. That we all are sisters.” Evelynn added. Regina nodded to her.

Just then, they heard a thumping noise. “What was that?” Mary Margaret asked.

“I have no idea.” Regina replied.

“It's from upstairs.” Evelynn added.


Regina, Evelynn and Mary Margaret headed upstairs as they heard squeaking and thumping coming from one of the rooms. “It's in there.” Regina whispered. The three of them slowly walked toward the room. “There isn't anything in this room. It's…” Regina went to open the door and it flew open. Inside was a ghostly figure sitting at a spinning wheel. The ghostly figure turned and it was Cora. “Mother?” Regina asked, Evelynn looked at her ghostly mother. The ghostly figure stood up. “This can't be.” She added. “The spell opened a limited portal for talking.”

“It's me.” Mary Margaret almost whispered. “I killed Cora. She sensed my presence and found a way to bleed through into our world.”

Cora's spirit lunged toward her but Regina stepped in front of her. “Watch out!” She shouted. “Back down, mother. You will answer my questions. Now, tell me. What did you do to Zelena?”

Cora's spirit pushed Regina out of the way and started to make her way toward Mary Margaret. But then, Regina got up and used her powers to teleport the three of them back to the study. Just then, Cora's spirit came through the wall toward them. Regina used her powers to keep her back. “You're holding her off!” Mary Margaret shouted.

“But I can't hold her forever.” Regina called. “I don't know how much longer I can hold her off.”

“I will help you.” Evelynn added, she held her hands up and used her powers as well.

“Cora, I'm sorry.” Mary Margaret called. “Please forgive me!”

“Save your breath.” Regina called. “Your mother was nothing like my mother. She only understands power and weakness. But if she wants to kill you, she's gonna have to go through me! This isn't about you or your mother. This is about her… and me.” Regina released Cora's spirit, Evelynn did also. “It's time for answers, mother.” Regina looked at her mother. “What did you do to Zelena?!” Cora's spirit dragged Regina and Evelynn out of the way as then she jumped into Mary Margaret.

Mary Margaret stumbled backward into a chair. Her mind was flooded with memories of what happened to Cora that forced her to give up Zelena. “Mary Margaret!” Regina called. “Hold on. I won't let you go.” Then, she used her magic to pull Cora's spirit out of Mary Margaret. She lifted the spirit over her head and the portal started to form. Once it was opened she pushed Cora's spirit inside.

“Whoa!” Evelynn had her eyes widen.

Just then, Emma, David and Hook came back. They were also joined by Belle. “What the hell was that?!” Emma exclaimed. The portal was closed.

“Cora.” Regina replied. Then, she looked at Mary Margaret. “Is she okay?”

“Mary Margaret, can you hear me?” David asked.

“Cora… Not what we thought.” Mary Margaret replied, weakly. “She's trying to communicate.”

Regina blinked. “She was? What'd she say?”

“Leopold, my… mother… My mother…” Mary Margaret muttered.

David looked at her. “Shh, Mary Margaret, relax.”

“She's not making sense. We need to call a doctor.” Emma exclaimed.

“If she knows something that could help us…” Regina was interrupted.

David had interrupted her. “Regina, it's gonna have to wait.”

“It can't wait! If we want to stop Zelena, we have to know what the hell she's doing and why!” Regina shouted.

“Regina!” Evelynn scolded her.

Just then, Belle spoke up. “I can help with half of that.”

“What?” Regina asked, blinking.

“She's planning on going back… Back in time.” Belle replied.

“Are you certain?” Regina asked. Belle nodded. Then, she looked at the others. “No one's ever been able to cast a spell to go back in time.”

“Well, clearly, she thinks she can succeed.” Belle comment. “I mean, brains, courage, a... a resilient heart... Those ingredients are in every time-travel spell I've found.”

“Why go back in time?” Emma asked. “I mean, we have no idea what she's trying to accomplish.”

“I do.” Mary Margaret spoke up. “She… she didn't...”

David looked at his wife. “Don't push yourself.”

“She didn't want to give up Zelena. She was forced to by… mo... By my mother. Princess Eva… She told a secret just like I did.” Mary Margaret told them all.

Evelynn raised an eyebrow. “Just a secret?”

Emma looked at her parents. “Wait. I thought our family were the good guys.”

Regina sighed. “Life is too messy for it to ever be that simple.”

“You're saying if it wasn't for Snow's mother, Cora would have kept Zelena.” David told them.

“She would have been tutored by Rumpelstiltskin.” Belle added. Evelynn made a face.

“All if it weren't for this Princess Eva?” Hook asked, looking at them.

“So that means…” Emma trailed off.

“Zelena's going back to kill my mother.” Mary Margaret finished.

Regina looked at them. “You'll have never been born.”

Emma looked at her. “I'm guessing this is where your help ends.”

“Now, think it through, Ms. Swan.” Regina sighed. “That means you would have never been born, and neither will Henry.”

“And on this different path. Regina, you may not be, either.” Mary Margaret added.

“It's a good thing no one has ever succeeded with this time-travel nonsense.” Hook comment.

David realized something. “The baby.” 

“What?” Mary Margaret gasped.

David looked at her. “That's what's missing. That's why none have succeeded. Somehow, some way, our baby is the key. Zelena went to a lot of effort to get close to our unborn child. That's what she's after.”

“What is she going to do to with…?”  Mary Margaret asked.

“It doesn't matter.” David replied. “She's not gonna get it. We're gonna stop her. Since our baby's not born, she's stuck, and we have what we need Time.”

Mary Margaret rubbed her stomach. “Just not very much of it.”


A short while later, Regina and Evelynn were cleaning up the mess in the study. Just then, Mary Margaret walked in. “Need a hand?”

Regina looked at her. “Shouldn't you be on bed rest?”

“Dr. Whale just left. He cleared me and the baby. Apparently, the human body has a surprising tolerance for ghost possession. And he told me I have a tough placenta, which somehow came out creepy.” Mary Margaret picked up a broom. “May I?” Regina nodded as Mary Margaret started to sweep. “You want to talk about it?”

“What's there to talk about? You officially have a less damaging relationship with my mother than I do. And you killed her.” Regina sat down at the table. Evelynn glanced at them.

“Well, at least we know, you and me, our history... It's more complicated than we thought.” Mary Margaret told them.

“It is.” Evelynn comment.

Regina looked at her. “I know how much you looked up to Eva. I'm sorry you had to learn she had such darkness in her past.”

Mary Margaret put the broom against the wall and sat down next to Regina. “That wasn't the woman I knew. It makes me wonder what happened that changed her. I suppose I'll never know.” Evelynn came next to them.

“Well, we... we can never know our past completely. If we had, I probably wouldn't have spent so much time trying to kill you.” Regina comment.

Mary Margaret looked at her. “Well, we would've found something to fight about. I mean I was such a brat.”

“Your mother's child.” Regina comment.

Mary Margaret chuckled. “I think we've wasted our last day being haunted by the past.”

“Now we can focus on being haunted by our impending lack of a future.” Regina told her.

“Zelena isn't going to win. Not with all of us united against her.” Mary Margaret told them.

“Indeed.” Evelynn comment.

“Hope isn't easy when I know she holds my heart.” Regina added.

Mary Margaret looked at her. “Which you'll get back, stronger than ever. That's what it means to be the most resilient.”

“That could be another one of her tricks, too.” Regina comment.

“Regina, I've seen what life has thrown at you. And you still fight against the darkness every single day. Sooner or later, your heart will find its way to happiness.” Mary Margaret told her.

Regina chuckled. “That doesn't feel possible.”

“But it is.” Mary Margaret took Regina's hand. “I know you, and you feel things deeply. With or without it, you feel things with your whole soul. Don't let anything hold you back.”


Later, Evelynn went back home as then she bumped into Richard. “Sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry milady.” Richard comment.

Evelynn smiled at him. “How do you do?”

“I’m doing fine, milady.” Richard replied to her.

“Please, call me Evelynn.” Evelynn told her.

“Evelynn.” He tested the word. “If i may, what are doing of this late?”
Evelynn looked at him. “I’m going home.”

“Should you go alone?” Richard asked. “You may never know what it is out there?”

“Are you asking to go with me?” Evelynn asked.

Richard nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay, fine.” Evelynn told him as then they began to walk.


Moments later, they arrived at Evelynn’s home that she shared with Belle. “Well, this is my stop.” Evelynn told him. “This is where I live.”

Richard eyed at the colour of the house. “Its something.”

“It is.” Evelynn agreed. “And be careful in the woods.”

Richard nodded. “I will be.”

Then, Evelynn kissed on his cheek and went inside. Richard stared after her.

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