Kaner's Kidnapping - Intro of the Legend of Doom or "LOD"

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2014-2015 (Immediately after previous chapter)

At the UC in Chicago,

Once the Dynamic Duo finished getting dressed in normal clothes and getting showered, Jonathan grabbed Patrick's hand in his and led him out of the locker room and down the tunnel and out into the parking lot. All the while, the younger Blackhawk was questioning his motive. There, he released him, spinning him around, ahead of him.

The blond was grinning and chuckling like a schoolgirl in front of their crush. "What's going on Jonny?"

"Kaner, I just wanted to get you alone to let you know the news first."

The winger leaned forward. "What news?"

"I got a girlfriend!! Or rather, I have a girlfriend and we're going out on our first date soon! We've already picked out the date and all of that! She's going to surprise me with where we are going...but still—!" the Captain of Chicago exclaimed.

Patrick took a step back, gasping and covering his mouth with his hands. "What?! Jonny, that's amazing!! That's fantastic! Sick, buddy, I'm proud of you!" He launched forward and flung his arms around his teammate.

"Thanks, man. I thought you should be the first to know."

Patrick stepped back and flashed his friend a sweet, thankful smile. "You're the best friend and Captain, I could ever hope to have, Jonny!"

"I know. You're an okay guy too, Kaner."

"Okay? Jonny, c'mon, I'm awesome!!" Patrick laughed and slapped his friend on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you're pretty special, Kaner!"

There was an awkward silence. Patrick had put on one his nicer, dressier light blue shirts. It was his favorite, but for how cold Chicago was that evening, it wasn't a smart investment. The brunette watched him rubbing his arm and shivering. He looked like he was trying to disguise it though.

"Cold, Kaner?"

"A little bit, yeah. Can we go back inside now?"

"Yeah. I guess so. You need to dress warmer though, buddy! This is Chicago, not Florida."

Patrick faked his anger and took a step toward his Captain.

Suddenly the wind picked up and Patrick lost his balance, stumbling on his feet. He tripped and fell forward. Before he could get back to his feet though, an Earthly ground-shaking thud sounded.

"What the—?" Patrick gasped, as he saw a Black Hawk-looking creature land on the ground.

It looked like something out of the Marvel Universe or DC Comics...not human. Black wings spread out from it's back. As the two Blackhawk forward stared, they saw an arm was outstretched toward the ground and the hand, which was in some kind of a slick black glove equipment, was clenched in a fist. A dent was in the ground, where it had smashed. And crumbles of the parking lot cement were scattered around.

It's head snapped upward and a pair of glowing red eyes pierced into Patrick's blue eyes. The head was pastely white and in the middle of the forehead there was a glowing red diamond shape.

"Patrick Kane?" the man-creature questioned, in a deep villainy voice.

"Yes, that's a cool costume there, would—"

"It's not a costume. My name is Strum, Eric Strum. I'm from the KHL and we got a problem with you!" He stepped forward and shockingly it only took that length for him to reach the bewildered Blackhawk. He seized Patrick's wrist and yanked him to his feet.

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