My Best Friend is a Superhero

42 3 1

Boston, Massachusetts


In the meantime/same time as previous chapter

Evelyn O'Reilly (AKA: Black Hawk) zeroed in on her target, hovering overhead. She was communicating with someone, through a gadget-watch on her gloved arm. She was in an all red armored jumpsuit with midnight black hawk wings protruding from her back, from where her shoulder cuff armor harness sat. The tips of the wings were red.

"Brad, what's the latest?" she asked in a thick Canadian-Bostonian accent.

In the center of the watch was a screen, where a stereotypical guy's face seemed to be giving her instructions. He was just like any other "boss" to a superhero. "The burglars are nearing the shops along Fenway Park!" the watch responded.

"Got it!" She immediately tapped a button on the side of the watch and zoomed downward, heading toward the ground. She lightly grazed it and then shot upward once more, hovering over the scene of the crime. "Time to kick butt, take names and teach lessons!"

The cool air of New England blew through her wavy mid-back length red hair. Evelyn's eyes glowed with her hawk-vision, a super power she had with being special and a heroine, and she spotted the trio of burglars working to steal money from the shop that they'd chosen. Normally her vision covered a mile, but her hearing covered a good couple of miles, such as the distance from Boston to Chicago. And with her keen animalistic sense of hearing, she could pick up on the conversation from where she was paused in the air.

"We should target Fenway next! Hate those bloody Red Sox!" one of them snarled, laughing.

"New Yorkers!" the heroine hissed. "I should have know!"

She dove downward and landed with a loud thud on the ground, spinning up a temporary pile of dust. When it cleared, she stood tall and proud. "You can certainly try to attack Fenway and get away with it, but then again, I'm here."

The trio paused in the process and spun to her. They all gasped. "Black Hawk?!"

"That's my name, don't wear it out!" she sped forward and grabbed one of the men by the collar of his shirt. "I don't want to ever see any of your faces in Boston again!! I'm not a fan of New Yorkers...especially ones who are violent or out to cause trouble!"

The epic battle commenced. Evelyn punched one of the men in the face and sent him shooting away into the middle of next week (miles away). Then she knocked the other unconscious and had one more left.

"This is too easy." Evelyn shook her head and sighed, as the mortal New Yorker tried to run her and hit her and attack her. She held her ground, simply pushing him back with a flap of her wings. The wind whipped up was powerful enough to keep him back.

During this one-sided battle, her phone rang with the "Chelsea Dagger" ringtone. She answered the call, cheerily "Evelyn O'Reilly, here." She shot a glance to the guy, who looked like he was started to get exhausted, but was still determined to win. "Oh, hey Jonny! What's up?" She twirled a strand of her crimson locks in her index finger, like a normal teenage girl chatting on the phone with someone.

On any given day, she'd be saving Jonathan Toews, her main Chicago Blackhawk damsel in distress. However, she had been assigned to this case as training and to keep herself busy, while the Blackhawks played. Things had been good so far and there were no problems with the Blackhawks, at least that her "Jonny Radar" knew.

Whenever Jonathan got into trouble and needed saving, her "radar" went off. It was mainly when she heard him scream. That was how he alerted her to have her help him out. It was strange that he was calling her though. What could he possibly want?

Flight (Book 1 of Arrow Hawk Series, Also Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now