A Plan For War and Turmoil: The Russian Mafia

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Evelyn, Val, Brooke and Kelly all continued on their journey, following Vanek to the headquarters, which was in Moscow, but it was on the outskirts of Moscow in the arena. It was a good twenty miles or so from where they had been. Luckily Vanek didn't try anything and Evelyn took turns helping her friends along by carrying them forward.

Kelly used her wand and didn't seem bothered by the distance. In fact, it was only Brooke who moaned once, but Evelyn didn't mind helping her out.

They arrived rather soon to the Russian Sports Arena, where Vanek disappeared inside, finally separating himself. That was fine though, because now it was on them and they didn't mind not having him there anymore. They huddled together for a break, while Evelyn tapped into her Hawk Vision to test out the Arena. She could see Vanek walking into a conference room, where a taller man was sitting, gazing at a computer.

She switched to a different scene, finding herself looking at two men: The Brawler or John Scott and another guy, she assumed could be Eric Strum or Strum. They were both cackling and having a good time as they were tormenting the two Blackhawk forward hostages.

Evelyn immediately cut out her vision and stumbled backward, into Val, who reacted rather quickly and caught her. He was blushing a deep red color and turning his head away. She stood up straight and brushed herself off.

"Did you see 'em?" Kelly asked, flicking her wand against the palm of her hand, like she was a teacher or about to hit someone with it.

"I did. They're tied up and being tormented by Brawler and who I assume to be Strum."

"You'd be entirely correct with that statement my dear heroine," a deeply chilling voice spoke. "However, I'm afraid that you're going to have to go through me first!"

Evelyn turned to face a taller man dressed like Sylar's twin. He was glowering evilly like a villain and Vanek was beside him.

"Thank you so much for bringing them all here alive, but now you must fulfill my other demand, capture the Russian!" the wicked man sneered and reached his hand out.

Instantly Vanek withdrew his handy ropes from his pocket and started forward. Evelyn faced him.

"You're not hurting Val!" she snapped.

"He IS! That Russian is the last ingredient for the plan and I'm not going to be scared by some silly girl hero!"

"Girl hero?" Evelyn questioned, folding her arms in front of her. "And just who are you?"

"Kaleta. Patrick Kaleta."

"Kaleta, right, the "leader" of the Legend of Doom. Yes, tell me Kaleta, do you think you can defeat Black Hawk by sending a weak little fourth man rookie?" Evelyn calmly said, as she simply punched Vanek in the head, sending him off his track toward Val, who was cowering in the protective arms of Brooke, behind Kelly, who had her wand out at ready.

Kaleta smirked. "Vanek's more than a rookie. He's a friend and he's not actually a rookie, because in the LOD, we don't give titles and we are strong advocates of anti-NHL and anti-hockey!"

Evelyn jammed her finger down on her wristwatch, instantly turning into Black Hawk. She flapped her wings angrily. "Well I'm pro-hockey and pro-NHL and you've messed with the wrong superhero, bud!"

"Oh, is that so? Vanek, get the Russian, I'll take care of this little pest in my way... Birdgirl, Hawkgirl or whatever!"

"It's Black Hawk you fiend!"

She flew forward and began to fight with Kaleta, who matched her, barely exhausting himself or even moving. And Vanek dodged Kelly, who attempted to hit him with her fire and magical wand dust. He grabbed her though, braving all of the elements and flung her to the side. Then he easily shoved Brooke out of the way and grabbed Val.

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