An Attempted Kidnapping of Valeri Nichushkin

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The car landed in the streets in Moscow and Evelyn hit the wheel, pulling into a vacant and out-of-the-way parking lot. She parked the vehicle there. All around the classic Russian architecture surrounded them. It was glorious, but they were on a mission and it wasn't that intriguing at the moment. She spun around in her seat and took in her friends.

"That's the quickest way to get here! So, uh, where are we going in Moscow, did Spencer tell you where we should go? Where's the lair? Where are they holding my baby Blackhawks?" the redhead asked, fire and passion burning in her eyes.

"Evelyn, please, we know. But, no, Spencer said he couldn't figure that out," Brooke said.

"I can find it!" Kelly squeaked. "I think?! I can use my telepathy and wand right?" She screwed her face up in perplexment.

"Best not...and telepathy wouldn't exactly work anyway, Kelly." Evelyn laughed.

"Why not?" Kelly whined, folding her arms over her chest.

"Because we are in Russia, you wouldn't be able to understand anything! Unless you've been studying Russian or something, which I highly doubt."

"But I thought it might work. I could force them to "talk" or something kinda like that." Kelly cocked her head to the side. "Please."

"No, no...we'll find it without having you blow your head open."

"Okay. Fine," she sighed rather heavily and dramatically.

"Let's leave the car here and ask around first," Brooke suggested.

The redhead heroine shook her head. "No, we can't waste anymore time. With Jonny, the bad guys seem to have the complete package for their plan and they won't screw around. We need to find them now!"

"What about using, uh, Hawk Vision?" Val spoke up, cracking a classic "Nichy" grin.

Evelyn looked at him, unblinkingly. She smiled and slowly considered his idea. He had a point. She had that power and it would be useful. However, she couldn't use it without knowing the radius, but it could still be useful, especially if the lair was nearby. Normally her vision covered a mile, but her hearing covered a good couple of miles, such as the distance from Boston to Chicago.

"I'll give it a college try, but no promises."

"Great!" Val clapped his hands together, excitedly.

The superhero emerged from the driver's seat and walked a few feet away from the car. She closed her eyes and tapped deep inside of herself. When she opened her eyes, they glowed a beady red color. She focused forward, looking at or rather through a massive Russian castle building.

After seeing nothing and no Jonathan Toews, she spun around and looked in every direction, but she still got nothing. She sighed in defeat and walked back to the car. Brooke, Kelly and Val looked at her, eagerly awaiting the news.

"Nothing. I didn't see any Blackhawks or Russian villains!" she explained. "But they've got to be around here somewhere!" She looked around. "Spencer didn't say where in Russia? Is the villain hideout even in Moscow?"

"That's what Spencer said!"

"Well, I'm not seeing him, but I can take to the skies and check it out."


"Kelly, please remain here and keep an eye on Val and Brooke. I can't come to everyone's rescue. My assignment has always been Jonathan. I can't take on much more."

"Right! You can count on me," Kelly chimed out, raising her wand up and saluting her friend.

Evelyn nodded. She pressed her watch's button and activated her powers. Instantly wings protruded from her and mortal Evelyn O'Reilly became superheroine Black Hawk. She glowed brightly, before the brightness faded and she zoomed up into the air. She got to her altitude and hovered in the air, seemingly scanning the ground below.

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