The Pier Date (Showing Off): The LOD Strikes Again: (The) Brawler Kidnaps Jonny

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Evelyn descended from the sky, controlling the flapping of her wings and put Jonathan onto the ground. They were soon standing on a pier that looked into Lake Michigan in Chicago. It wasn't an excessive pier or a short one either. It was a nice length that was good for moonlit romantic moments. It was a little ways away from Navy Pier, which was the most popular pier in Illinois.

"Why did we fly here?"

"Because I thought you'd like the flying. You always love the flying, don't you mess with me."

"Yeah, but why are we on a pier? I thought we were going to the crime scene. At the UC. That's about 15 minutes away from here."

Evelyn took Jonathan's hands into hers. She lifted them both up to her mouth and kissed the backs of them. "I figured we could have a date instead. I've been planning this for a while now and I really wanted to take you out on a date. You know that originally I planned for this day to be the date, but which Kaner getting kidnapped and everything..."

"But we have to search for clues and help him out. I mean...what if Kaner's in big trouble...he doesn't have time."

"I realize that. We can spend a few hours to ourselves looking at the sunset though. Can't we? Besides, I already went through the crime scene with Brad and a close friend. We found nothing of importance to finding your friend. All we know is the Patrick isn't in the US anymore, but overseas in Russia."

"Russia? But that's so far away! That's all the more reason to not waste time here!!"

"Not for Black Hawk it isn't. I'll find him, I promise I will."

"But, I'm just wondering why Russia would want Kaner? Why would Strum kidnap Kaner and take him to Russia?"

"We'll figure it out. Please, don't stress out. We need to have a break instead right now. The others are fine and will handle getting information for us. Enjoy the sunset with me Jonny, please?"

Jonathan smiled. "I can't say no to that. And it not like I can really go anywhere without you flying me there. But this better be fast."

"It will. I promise, as soon as the sun sets, we will return to the three and head out to Russia!" Evelyn giggled and led the brunette over to a bench. They set down and stared out at the horizon. The sun was beginning to set and the mood was ripe for romance and for young lovers to come out. Evelyn leaned against her mortal crush and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

The sunlight touched the rippling water of the Harbor, which flowed out to the Atlantic Ocean. The light chilling fall breeze of the seaside blew at them and the mood was peaceful. There weren't many people around and as the sun sank lower, there were few people and soon there were none. The sound of the water slapping the pier's legs and the boats floating in the water was in tune to the faint noise of seagulls.

After the sun had set and the beauty and majesty of the evening settled in, Jonathan suddenly asked, "Why is it that the Blackhawks can never remember who you are or what your powers are?"

Evelyn jerked back. Her eyes were wide with shock. All around on the pier, the night lights were turning on. The sun had set completely by now. "What? Why would you ask something like that?"

"It's just I've always wondered why I know who you are and I know Patrick knows who you are, but they - he - usually forget(s) about you. When Patrick was with me and kidnapped, he didn't seem to know about the superheroes or powers. He was afraid and shocked. But you saved him from Red Wing."

Evelyn nodded. "I'm not sure, honestly, Jonny. I wish I could tell you, but I just have no idea why. It's a mystery to me. He doesn't remember me though?"

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