Locating the Missing Blackhawks - Well...Kind Of...

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Evelyn and her friends bolted out of the building, passing the record player. That was the only thing that didn't make sense. Alexander Ovechkin didn't know that Jonathan Toews' scream would call her and he didn't know about her physical training either. He knew her though, that was evident, but why was there a record player set up to draw them to the building playing Jonathan's scream?

And she knew it definitely was his. She knew his distress call by heart, it was implanted into her brain. And yet...

Did she?

As soon as they exited the building, Evelyn was fully aware of her hearing returning to normal. She tapped into her mind and activated her vision. She could see through buildings and at the long range once more. She had her powers back. She glanced over to see Kelly waving her wand around, once more with lightning streaking out of the end.

It WAS Ovechkin's "powers" over the building. But that was also spooky and not a good thing that the Washington Capitals' captain had powers like that.

Soon they both stopped using their powers and faced Val and Brooke.

"So why the record player?" Kelly asked.

"Dammit Kelly!" Evelyn snapped. "Stop using your telepathic powers on me!"

"I can't help it. You're thoughts are so loud, I can't even think straight."

"Okay, okay, sorry. But I'm serious, I have a reason to think that."

"Oh yes, I know why. I heard everything," she tapped her head with two fingers.

Evelyn shook her head. "We need to focus on finding the Hawks: Jonny and Kaner, we can't fuss over a stupid record player."

"Right! So where to?" Val asked. "Where we go?"

"That's a good question Valeri, let's walk around some and maybe think of something," Evelyn stated.

They did so, walking in silence, led by a hawk-like heroine, but to pedestrians walking along, she was just weird and like she was in a costume. She had forgotten to deactivate her suit, but no one really cared. They quickly jogged past with strange expressions. They walked for a good fifteen minutes, before Evelyn's watch went off.

"Hawkley," she muttered and paused to press the buttons.

"Black Hawk, any news?" It wasn't Hawkley...it was Spencer.

"Spencer!" Evelyn scolded. "Did you hack into Hawkley's computer?"



"Okay, I did. But I did for good reason!"


"I know why the so called Legend of Doom has Patrick and Jonathan...the REAL reason!"

"What?" Kelly, Brooke and Val gasped with Evelyn, as they came to huddle around her.

"Yeah, apparently they--" The screen on the watch faded to black, as if the connection had been dropped or lost...or worse, tampered with.

Suddenly, Evelyn dropped to the ground, gasping in pain. She glowed brightly and had static lightning bolts coming from her and she became mortal, without her even doing a thing or pressing anything. She looked up and saw Vanek standing at the end of the street, holding some kind of radar weapon.

Out of the ball laser point, the static slowly faded and ceased. Vanek was smirking evilly, as he pocketed it.

"I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this. But the LOD needs the Russian!" Vanek snarled.

Val whimpered and hid in-between Brooke and Kelly. "No, no let him take me! I no want to go!"

"You have to go. You have to help us complete the plan." Vanek snatched Val's wrist and yanked him forward.

Kelly whipped out her wand and pointed it at Vanek. "Incendio Tria!" she shouted and the blast of orange fire light came from her wand and hit Vanek in the face, burning him. He released Val in the sudden panic, which was enough for Evelyn to recover and re-activate her hero form, pressing the watch's buttons.

In a fury she forced her wings to flap in a frenzy and sent the villain flying backward, across the street to the other side.

"He's not done," Evelyn remarked.

Kelly nodded.

They both darted forward, toward him, as Brooke hugged Val close to her.

"Flagrate!" Kelly screamed, producing a long streamer-like light of fire out of the tip of her wand. She slashed it back and forth before her, like a dancer or like someone cracking a whip. She flung it at Vanek, whipping him in the face and burning him again.

Evelyn signaled to her friend to back off and she grabbed Vanek in her talon fingers and lifted him into the air.

"This again, sweetie?"

"I'm gonna teach you not to pick on Valeri Nichushkin, you aren't getting him and while I have you hovering over your death, why don't you tell me where the LOD is? Where's Jonny and Patrick?"

"Wouldn't you love to know the answer to that? But why ask me, when you have your Hawk Vision?"


"Why would I tell you?"

"Because I'm going to make you!"

"Oh really and how's that?"

Evelyn descended from the sky and landed on the ground. She gripped the villain tightly and called to Kelly.

"Now's the perfect chance to test out those telepathic skills of yours Kells, make Vanek talk!"

"What? She can create magic and use telepathy?"

"Sucks you didn't know, eh?" Kelly remarked, as she made the fire dissolve and whispered the incantation, as she put her wand tip to the villain's forehead. It glowed blue and Kelly closed her eyes to focus.

Where's Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane? Tell me.

I won't tell you.

Tell me.


Tell me. You want to tell me.

Their being held in the Luzhniki Small Sports Arena, Val knows the place. Kaleta has them tied up.

Thank you.

Kelly dropped her wand, which blinked off, with no blue light anymore. She folded her arms and grinned. "Luzhniki Small Sports Arena."

"I know where that is!" Val exclaimed.

"I know, Vanek told me you would."

"So what do we do about him?" Brooke questioned, nodding to the struggling villain in the superheroine's hold.

"Go back to your friends and let them know that the party's over. You failed and we're coming and Black Hawk will save Jonathan and Patrick!"

"And I'll do this, because...?"

"Because, otherwise, I'll force you to, by holding onto you," Evelyn remarked.

"And I won't escape?"

"Not a chance!" Kelly snapped. She whacked him with her wand, hard.

He flinched and glared at her, but she whacked him again in the face. "Okay, okay, fine. Stop whacking me, Luna!"

"It's Kelly!"

"Whatever, alright, I'll go tell them, just leave me alone and let me go."

Evelyn dragged him a good distance away and released him. "We're following, so don't try anything."

"Got it."

And with that Vanek walked off from them and Evelyn signaled to the others to follow. Not that they needed to, but they had to make sure Vanek didn't deviate from the plan or vanish.

Flight (Book 1 of Arrow Hawk Series, Also Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now