Brad Hawkley and the Forgetting Powers - End of Black Hawk

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*This is The End of Black Hawk, Savior of Jonathan Toews and the Chicago Blackhawks

They all turned around to see the chief standing there. It was Brad Hawley.

"Hawkley?! What are you doing away from the computer?" Evelyn inquired with curiosity.

"I had to come for Patrick...but I take it I no longer need to or can."

"Patrick?" the superheroine questioned, turning to her friend. "Hawkley what are you talking about?"

"You might as well know now, you'll find out anyway..." the older man folded his arms and halted at the edge of the ice.

"What are you saying?" the redhead continued.

"I'm saying that I'm the one who has been taking their memories. You know how Kaner and the Hawks never know you? That's my doing!"

"But why?" Patrick asked.

"Because things can get dangerous if everyone knows there is a superhero around! Only the rescuer and the rescuee can know about the hero. That is why Jonathan knew about you and remembered you, while Patrick did not. But now, Jonathan is a hero and so Patrick is fine to know about him."

"But why? How does that make sense?" Patrick pressed.

"It's so the hero can communicate. You know that, say Patrick gets into terrible trouble again, he will have to communicate with Jonathan and scream for him to come save him. That is how it works."

"But why can't anyone know about me?" Jonathan questioned.

"Or me?" Evelyn added on.

"Because they are not heroes, nor damsels in distress. And Brooke can, because she is a friend. And when the need arises she can help you out, but the others cannot live in the mortal world knowing there are heroes and heroines. Does this make sense?"

"Kind of," Evelyn responded. "But, I'm not sure I do you take their memories without hurting them?"

Hawkley faced her and nodded. "A good question. The process is simple, quick and painless, but if you remember back to the Street Hockey Accident..."

"The one when I was almost run over by a car?" Jonathan questioned.

"Yeah. Remember that one?" the older man asked the redhead.

"I do. How could I not?" Evelyn stated.


Sometime in Mid-2012 (Over Summer)

Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, Sidney Crosby, Tyler Seguin, Brad Marchand, Andrew Shaw, Duncan Keith and Niklas Hjalmarsson had all gathered together for a street hockey game over the summer in the parking lot area of the United Center in Chicago. Tyler, Patrick, Duncan, and Jonathan were going against Sidney, Andrew, Niklas, and Brad. They were just entering a break, after Brad got a breakaway chance and was "hooked" by Tyler.

Brad slammed his stick down on the gravel of the street. "Oh c'mon, that was a hook!" The pest complained to Sidney, as he pointed at Tyler, smiling.

"You'd like it to be, wouldn't you Marchy?! You haven't changed a bit," Tyler retorted, folding his arms.

"So, you were talking about some chick who always comes and saves you Jonny?" Sidney asked, ignoring his fellow Halifax native.

The Blackhawk leader shrugged. "Yeah. It's nothing really. Her name is Black Hawk and she's like my personal heroine. She has this bizarre ability to show up at the right time and save me."

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