Val's Feelings - Cause He's A Human Being and He Cares

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Val's POV

Val was so happy that Evelyn was here. Brooke was nice and all and especially since she'd allowed him to stay at her place. Mainly it was so she could help him out with learning English and getting a better grasp of the language. (And for some reason, there was no one in Dallas, so he had to get tutored in Boston.) But Evelyn was the one who'd befriended him first. She was the one who introduced herself to the Dallas Star and was kind to him and all. She was the one who he really wanted to be with, however, she didn't seem to want to be with him.

Val knew she cared for Jonathan, but deep inside, he longed for her to be his heroine. I mean, he wasn't going to say that he was jealous...but he kind of was. I mean, he was in love with someone he couldn't be with. Who couldn't sympathize with the poor guy?

At first he was fine with the friendship, but now, seeing her here...looking every bit as normal as Brooke, he was taken aback by the true beauty she possessed, but she was with Jonathan Toews. And that wasn't going to change. She was born and bred to be his hero and they were supposed to be together. And Val...he was simply just her Russian bi-ligingual friend.

Val guessed he started to really care for her after her seventh Blackhawk Mission. The Red Wings were picking on Chicago, so she flew in to set them straight and remind them who was the boss. She was so fierce and tough and it was so cool to see a female like that.

He remembered hearing about it from Kelly, who often bragged about her super friend.

And there was this other time when she attempted another "mission," but failed. The Blackhawks played the Penguins and Patrick Kane was hurt in the process this time and Evelyn blamed herself. She had been late and not really caring. She'd been busy with Brad. As her friends, the three of us: Brooke, Kelly and Val all tried to tell her it wasn't her fault.

And later on Jonathan got hurt due to an awkward hit into the boards by Brooks Orpik of the Capitals. But what many don't know, is that he was totally was what happened after the game at a bar in Pittsburgh. That is what got him the injury and that is what Evelyn was upset about.

And with the two superstars out, she spiraled out of control, but Val helped her through...with help from Kelly and Brooke of course. But mostly Valeri Nichushkin.

He genuinely cared for Evelyn and her job. He didn't want her to blame herself. Failures happened, but the good news was that both men returned to the lineup by the end of the regular season, good as new.

Unfortunately, during that time, she spent most of the time with Jonathan and didn't seem to have time for her friends or Val.

(Poor little Valeri...)

But now, here she was in Brooke's home and she needed their help, with meant one thing. He could hang out with her more! He knew about Black Hawk, but he had yet to see her in action and he really wanted to.

Evelyn was cool...

...but Val was certain Black Hawk was awesome!

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