Trick or Treat? How About A Trick! - Expect the Unexpected...

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Evelyn stared at a small record player set up. It was emitting a recording of Jonathan's scream and it was driving her insane. Brooke darted forward and unlatched the player, shutting off the repetitive scream that came every so often.

"Crap!" Evelyn exclaimed, hitting her head in frustration with her "palm." (Cause she's still Black Hawk.)

"How did they know that the scream would bring you here?" Kelly piped up.

Evelyn shook her head and folded her arms. "They must know me better than I thought. I mean, my hearing is better than my vision and honestly, my ears picked up the scream, I didn't see him. Drat!"

"Well, your Hawk Hearing has deceived you," Brooke stated, putting her hands on her hips. "These Russian guys--"

"They aren't Russian! I Russian and I not do this!" Val complained, throwing his arms down to his sides.

"Nice English, Valeri," Evelyn commented.

"Thanks." He beamed with pride, too naive to catch the sarcasm involved.

"Sarcasm, Valeri, you got to get a better handle on that. I thought you taught him sarcasm?" Evelyn asked, shooting a look at her friend Brooke, who rolled her eyes.

"I did, but he's impossible."

Val was grinning cluelessly. "You speak Russian and I understand this "sarcasm" better." He raised his head up proudly.

"Anyway, where are we? And why would the bad guys lead us here?" Kelly questioned, looking around and holding her wand at ready. "Is it a trap?"

Evelyn looked around too. She wasn't really sure. She decided to try and use her vision to see, but something was preventing her from activating it and her hearing was reduced to normal as well. Only her wings and suit remained to signal her as a superhero.

"Dang it, I can't activate my vision or hearing!"

"You can't? How come?"

"I don't know, I just can't do anything. Kelly, can you make a fire?"

Kelly flicked her wand about and at first created a stream of fire, but it grew and exploded in front of her. She yelped in fright and stepped back, as it vanished into still air. So, something was wrong, there was some kind of spell cast over the was a trap!

"Someone must be using what Brad told me as, Power Cancellation Field or Limitation Inducement! It's meant to block our powers or strip them. He might have also charmed the place too with it."

Evelyn glanced back to find that Brooke and Val were both missing. She looked back at Kelly who shrugged and came over to her.

"Where'd they go?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like it. C'mon, we gotta go find them."

"EVELYN, HELP!!" two voices screamed in unison.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!!" one of the voices, a female's spoke.

Evelyn and Kelly darted off into the building, heading deeper inside. They emerged into a vast, empty warehouse room and in the center, they saw Brooke and Val bound together, back-to-back in chairs.

Evelyn flapped her wings, but they didn't produce any wicked wind, just flapped at random speeds. Both heroes (well, one hero-in-training) were powerless, but they knew they had to attempt to save their friends and get out of there. They had to find Jonathan and Patrick. Both rushed forward, but skidded to a halt as four men, all dressed in black emerged from the shadows to the side.

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