Chapter 1: Rising up

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March 2018

"Come on Y/n!"

I can hear my heart pound through my chest each thump slowly getting louder until it's the only thing I hear. I see my trainer clapping his hands and mouthing words that I assume are encouraging. I turn my focus away from him, and towards the ball in my right hand that bounces against the floor at the same beat as my heart. Sweat drips towards the ground with each rhythm.

I can't quite discern what I feel in my hand the ball, or the rush of blood pumping through my body. Nevertheless, I have a task to finish. Taking long deep breaths I feel the oxygen start to rejuvenate the muscles in my body from exhaustion. The time inhaling giving me a moment of clarity, and that's when I made my move.

Quickly, I dribble the ball through my legs the ball switching from my right to left hand.
I then push the ball forward and plant my right foot hard on the ground. Bending my knees I explode off the wooden floors towards a rim that hangs 10 feet in the air.

This was one of my favorite parts of the game of basketball. The time I spend off the ground, the feeling of flight, it was almost surreal. As if I was moving in slow motion...soaring.

Like a dragon waiting to rain down fire.

My legs my wings, and my arms the flames as I slam down the ball into the basket vigorously.

"Wooooo! Now that is a slam DUNK right there! I guess thats why they call you Shou." Mr. Chang, my personal trainer, praises as I land softly onto the ground.

"Water I n-need... water!" I struggle to get out between breaths and fall flat on my back onto the cold, glossed floor. I hear a chuckle, and a few seconds later the sound of steps making there way towards me.

"Here ya go Y/n" I sit up to see Mr.Chang holding up my bottle filled with akaline water. I gladly take it giving a nod as a thank you since I was too occupied with quenching my thirst. " You know I think you have a serious shot at winning Most Improved this year" Mr.Chang compliments running his hands through his dyed white hair.

"Don't flatter me I still got ways to go" I smile feeling kinda flustered. It was not normal that coach Chang was this enthusiastic about practice, but I'm glad he's seeing that my hard work as been paying off.

"Look I'm just saying you went from averaging 12 points per game last year to 21 points per game as of now."

He supports his previous statement; Which in fact was hard to argue against. 'Most improved players' won the award with a similar 8 to 9 plus in that stat category.

"Well maybe you're right, but I rather make the playoffs" I retort, and slightly frown as I knew my teams chances of making it this year were slim.

"Well you never know keep playing like you are right now, and there might be a chance."

" Yeah maybe" I nod off to take a another sip of water. But a loud sound of doors being bursted open takes my attention and startles me a bit.

"There's my superstar!" My dad has a huge grin plastered on his face as he steps into the gymnasium. His bald head reflecting the gymnasium lights as his chunky body makes its way towards us.

I can't help but smile seeing him so excited. I could already tell he had news he really wanted to tell us.
"Hello Mr.Chang how you doing? It was a good session right?" My dads New York accent heavy when asking.

"I'm doing well Mr. James, and as for the session Y/n did well. He has made great progress." Mr.Chang finishes his sentence giving me a thumbs up.

"Of course he did he's my son after all!" My dad laughs with pride.

"Yeah yeah we get it what's the news? I roll my eyes at his ego.

"Wait what... How'd ya know?"my dad looks at the two of us flabbergasted.

"You always have a stupidly wide grin on your face when you have good news" I inform, mocking his grin.

"Hey! It is not stupid!" he points a finger at me and glares. " Your mom says it looks handsome " he mumbles under his breath.

Me and Mr. Chang exchange looks for a second before hunching over in laughter.
"Haha very funny anyways here's the news." my dad says after our amusement dies down.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. The first thing I see is "Adidas" in big font on top of the screen. I continue to read more of the email, and excitement starts to build up inside me. When I'm done going through the words I look up at the two other guys with me.

"Adidas wants to sponsor me!" I speak in complete awe.

"Who has a stupid grin on their face now?"

Notable World Tour details

Baseball:Alex Bregman and Aaron Judge

Soccer: Paul Pogba and Karim Benzema

Basketball: Y/n Kaito and Kristap porzingis

Adidas Promotional Tour in Europe and Asia.


Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, and South Korea


This is the start of the journey, hopefully this first chapter wasn't too bad.

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