Chapter 11: Intoxicated

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"OniiSan let's play one more time" Sumiye  squeals after winning once again.

"I think we had enough of the drinking games plus you can't drink! That's why you're winning!" Lisa whined. The alcohol we were all drinking (excluding Sumiye) was starting to affect us.

"I CAN PLAY!", Y/n suddenly raises his voice grabbing everyone's attention and then points towards the ceiling with his right hand righteously. Y/n looked ridiculous and thats because he was drunk.

Swaying from side to side Y/n clearly showed his balance was not there. "Wons more game." He slurred and we all laugh at his current state.

Y/n was not just any drunk, but an obnoxious drunk. It almost seemed like he was in a drama where the characters are always unrealistically flopping all over the place after a late night out. I for one, did not think people could actually get that intoxicated .
But to my surprise, Y/n had decided to show me it was indeed possible.

It all happened after playing basketball and buying takeout. Jisoo and I had invited Y/n and Sumiye to come have dinner at our place.

We chatted for a little bit, mostly talking about things related to YG since that is what all of us girls had in common. It was fun hearing about the hurdles we went through from Sumiye's perspective and we shared a couple laughs at that.

Y/n however, had been quiet for the most part. I thought that maybe he was uncomfortable since he was the only guy here, or it could be he was just the quiet type. But he seemed completely relaxed and even chuckled a couple times whenever someone teased Sumi. Maybe I was thinking too much into it.

Luckily as the night went on, a specific question for Y/n had cause the night to take a turn. Rose had asked Y/n if he ever had soju. He said that he never really drank since he's an athlete which was a reasonable excuse.

But...since Y/n never had soju, we had to introduce him to the joyous alcohol! And to make it more fun we all decided to play a couple drinking games along with it.

Sumiye wanted to partake in the drinking but Y/n was quick to shut that down. It was cute to see Y/n be all protective while Sumiye pouted like a child.

While playing the games, we happened to go through a good amount of soju bottles. Unfortunately for Y/n, He kept losing and had to drink the most. It turned out Y/n was not only competitive when it came to basketball but he also took these drinking games pretty seriously too. He refused to stop playing until he won 1 game.

The only bad thing about it was that Y/n was a lightweight . Which was not a great combo to have at the moment.

" Is he seriously drunk right now?" Rose asks with shock written all over her face.

" how can he be drunk?" Lisa adds

" I didn't know he couldn't hold his alcohol." Sumiye chimes in too.

"Yeaa don't you feel bad look at him" Jisoo continues with the trend. Y/n had no clue we were bashing his drinking skills right in front of him as we were speaking Korean, and he was completely out of it.

"Where is he gonna stay?" I point out. He was too drunk to go back out into a city and Sumiye wouldn't be able to bring a boy into her dorm regardless of it being her sibling.

"Im going to bed goodnight!" Rose rushes to her door closing it soon after.

"Good luck Unnies." I turn my head around to see Lisa at her door also, smiling innocently before doing the same and shutting it. What the heck is up with them!?

"It's getting late I have to head back to the dorms" Sumiye smiles coyly.

"You too?" I sigh heavily.

"Sorry, just let me know where he ends up going ." The teen finishes and I wave her off acknowledging her worries as she leaves our home.

Then there was three. Jisoo and I sat there for a moment in our living room, contemplating on what we should do with the drunk.

"I'm tired just call Kai to come get him, I'm sure he'll be fine with it if it's you who's asking." Jisoo says while beginning to get up.

" Wait what!?" I stop her absolutely baffled at her suggestion.

"What? We are not going to keep him here are we? there's no space." Jisoo explains. And I had to agree she had a point. But asking Kai to come over felt like crossing the line especially with how we're supposed to be dating?

"Could he stay on the couch?" I meekly asked hoping Jisoo would say yes.

"Jennie if our managers see him you know it's gonna be a whole huge thing along with a lecture and I rather not have to deal with that." Jisoo once again reasonably explains making it pointless to argue against.
" I'm going to bed now call Kai."

Kai was going to be here in about 20 minutes. So in the mean time I had to make sure Y/n didn't do anything crazy until then.

To be fair he was a pretty tame compared to earlier. He was just sprawled out on our couch sound asleep. His face glowed red as I watched his chest slowly rise and fall as he took his breath's. His ruffled hair almost fell over his eyes and looking at it reminded me that it was considerably longer from when I first saw him. I guess Y/n was one of those people who would looked good with any hair style.

"J..." he mumble some incoherent word before repeating it a second time.


My eyes widen, why the hell was he saying my name in his sleep? Was he messing with me?
Y/n mumble something again even quieter. I leaned in closer to him to try and catch what he was saying.

" I only have so much patience." Y/n voice comes to me in a whisper and I let out a little squeal when his arm suddenly wraps around my waist and pulls me on top of him.  I laid upon his chest and felt one of Y/n's hand stayed rested on my lower back, Our faces were inches apart and I stared into his forest globes as my skin shimmered into a blush.

My mind was fried, I had no idea what to do in this type of situation. Who would've thought Y/n could be an aggressive drunk too.

" How am I supposed to control myself when you look at me like that." Y/n voice dripped with desire as he gave a light squeeze to my hip.
God did that do things to me. I barely resisted from moaning, and bit my lip to distract myself from the needy feeling that was beginning to pool inside me.

" Y/n you're really drunk right now" my voice came out more airy than intended.

" blame yourself for being so intoxicating." his breath tickles my lips. I felt so shy from his boldness and I honestly felt that this situation could get really out of hand fast.

"Am I really that enticing?"He hums in response to me and the deepness from his voice deliciously vibrates throughout my being.

" I think I'll have myself a taste" Y/n 's free hand palms my cheek as he goes to close the distance between us...

knock knock knock!

I quickly snap out of whatever daze I was in and look at our apartment door. I guess Kai showed up early...

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