Chapter 17: Chaos

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Okay, maybe telling my label that I was opting out my fake relationship during the preparation of the biggest tour of our careers was not the best idea.

But, lately it was taking too much of a toll on my mind. I kept messing up during rehearsals, my energy seemed to deplete so fast that I could barely survive practices, and everyone was worried if I was okay.

So, I followed through with what I told Kai and asked my manger to talk with YG. I could no longer keep up this facade. If I wanted to be ready for our world tour, which was literally starting this week, I needed to find a way to focus, so I could put all my energy towards my group and my blinks.

But YG did not bother to take my request seriously, so I did what most emotionally upset people would do, and acted out in retaliation.

Which involved me telling the world about it. Not only did I say that our relationship was fake, but I told all my blinks that YG had refuse to let me leave a relationship I did not want.

In response, our diehard, lovable, and amazing fans were furious! Taking to social media to type their opinions and disregard YG as a record label. Not even days later, news articles about YG's tough conditions on trainees leaked to the public as well and reporters were everywhere trying to get their exclusive on the news.

If I'm being honest I was not expecting to let loose this much chaos when I posted the truth. But it made me realize that my fans truly supported me and that they loved BlackPink not YG.
So I did not bat an eye when YG said they would sue me for damages, defamation, and violating my contract.

If this was the route YG wanted to take then so be it, but I was no longer going to continue being a pawn for them. I knew what I signed up for when becoming an idol, I knew that becoming successful would require a lot of sacrifices, but my happiness shouldn't have to be one of them.

I've been staying at our apartment so far today. The girls' managers, including mine, said it was best we avoid being seen in public with all the media drama right now.
Basically, Blackpink was on a temporary hiatus until further notice.
I did not mind it at all since I didn't feel like putting in any effort for a label that was not prioritizing my well being. It meant I got to sit in my room and relax until my manger attained more details on how we should proceed with YG.

It gave me a lot of time to contemplate over my life at the moment. How did things even end up like this? When did I go wrong?

But that's when Jisoo barged into my room.

"Alright that's enough moping around for the day we're going out go get ready." Jisoo demands, clapping her hands together in attempt to get me up.

I let out a groan in annoyance. Was it so wrong to just want to lay in my bed with everything that was happening right now?

Jisoo seeing that I was reluctant to move, began to raid my closet, picking out an outfit and then began to start dressing me.

"Jennie help me out here it's not easy when you won't move!" She huffs, before finally getting my jeans to slide over my hips.
"I swear I feel like your mother at times."

"Where are we going?" I ask, since now I was "dressed" for the occasion.

"Lisa and Rose are already on their way there, we're going out for drinks." Jisoo informs and hurries out my room to finish getting ready herself.

Some alcohol in my system actually seemed kinda tempting, especially with how I was feeling right now.

I still have not heard anything from Y/n which was getting more and more frustrating.
Sumiye had told me when we went out for sweets that Y/n was going through a rough patch not being able to play basketball.

That only made me want to contact him more, but I don't believe we were at that level where I could just call him on a whim. Hopefully he had seen the news.

But enough about him. Tonight was about getting away from my problems and relaxing with my girls.


It was quiet, too quiet. Which meant mom and dad were probably not home. Which meant another day of absolute boredom.

I let out a sigh throwing my basketball up towards the ceiling while laying down comfortably on my bed. On the ball's way down my hand slips and I drop the rock, watching it roll away from me. Just like my season

"Look I'm already getting rusty" I mumble to myself, getting off my ass to retrieve my ball. As I reach for it I notice my guitar leaning against the wall just a couple inches away. Surprisingly, I have not touched the instrument in a while and playing it seemed really tempting right now.
Who was I kidding? I'd do anything to avoid watching more tape.

So, I took my classical guitar from its case and pulled the strings a little, adjusting it to the right tune. Once satisfied with how it sounded I ready my self to play, feeling enthused and taking a deep breath only to be interrupted by my phone ringing.

My eyes widen and my heart beat quickens when I see the caller ID. Why the hell was Jennie calling me right now?

Too nervous to function properly my fingers stumble and I accidentally accept the call and two pretty faces pop up on my screen. It still shocked me how stunning these women were, I don't think it'll be something I could ever get used too.

" Oppa!" Jennie and Rosie's infectious smiles greet me.

"Um hi what's going on?" I say with my brows furrowed. Were they drunk? I could see the easy sway between both girls and a glass of wine was in Rosie's hand.

"Oppa why have you been bullying my mandu!" Rosie points her finger at me through my screen. Oppa? Mandu? Bullying? Yeah they had to be drunk.

" I don't think I understand how much have you girls been drinking?"

"Don't change the subject you jerk!" Rosie snaps, I was a bit taken back, Rosie was usually super chill for the most part.

"Oooo I like when Rosie is feisty" I hear Lisa in the background.

"Chaeyoung it's fine did you forget he's hurt." Jennie's empathetic voice says.
"Y/n-kun are you okay?"

"I'm doing better thank you , how about you girls you okay?" I asked curious to why they had drank so much.

" I'm better too, now that I'm talking to you." Jennie states boldly, I feel my self blush because of it. I had seen the news, Sumi was the first one to send the article to me. I did not know how to feel about it, but I felt bad at the position speaking the truth put her in.

Was that why she was drinking?

"Is that a guitar?" Rosie squints her eyes at the camera.

" I forgot to tell you that Y/n-kun can play the guitar." Jennie beams at Rose.

"Really !? Is he good?"

"Well I'm not sure I haven't heard him play." Both girls pause before staring at me with expecting gazes. I was not sure if I still wanted to play guitar now that I was being put on the spot.

"Maybe another time, I don't want to intrude on your night." I try to let them down easy.

"Please Y/n-kun I'm the only sober one here and I'm in a dire need of a break away from their attention." I hear Jisoo's voice whine.

" Aren't you at a bar ? Shouldn't there be music there?"

"It's an exclusive bar we're the only ones here along with some other YG artists, it's literally just small talk and alcohol."

"Ugh I don't know you girls are making me nervous."

"Pleeeease." All four girls plead pouting their lips at me. I don't think any sane person could say no to a sight like that.

"F-fine I'll play, but no promises I'll be any good." I give in, preparing myself mentally to play music to a group who does it for a living. I just pray I don't fuck up.

"I'm sure you're great." Jennie encourages. I can't help but smile at her faith in me.

Alright here goes nothing.

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