Chapter 6: Eye Candy

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There was nothing like it. The sound of  thousands , so loud that it was almost deafening. All eyes, lights, and cameras on me. People from all over the world waiting to watch our performance. It was a high that I wouldn't be able to get away from. The joy I brought to fans made me selfishly happy. It was beautiful to see.

But like always we had to say goodbye. Because as much as I wish I could perform forever everything eventually has to come to an end.

So myself and the rest of BlackPink always made sure to express our gratitude to our fans for coming out to our concerts and supporting us. Unfortunately, the attention they seek from us could get out of hand sometimes.

"How is he up that high?" Jisoo spoke, as she pointed into the ocean of concertgoers towards the middle of the stadium.

There was a person upright on the shoulders of a really tall man. He held a sign waving it side to side as high as he could. He was screaming something, but the persons voice never got the chance to reach my ears as it was shut out from the other fans.

"Sumiye wants a picture!" I whisper to myself, as I try my best to read the sign the person held in the distance.

Sumiye? She was in Seoul, there was no way YG would let a trainee leave for a concert in another country...or leave at all.

It couldn't be her.

It was dark within the crowd, so it was hard to see really who the person was. But he looked like a man. That's when I finally realized it had to be Sumi's brother, Y/n.

I waved at him trying my best to make sure he knew I saw him. I couldn't help but grin at how crazy he looked lodged up in the air on top of giant of a man amongst thousands of fans. It was ridiculous.

But Clever

I went back stage to talk to a couple of security guards, telling them that I wanted the pair backstage.

The girls and I after saying our last goodbyes retreated from the stage and into the back to switch into more comfortable clothes.

"Jennie what was that all about?" Rose questioned me as she sat down in front of her mirror to remove her makeup.

"What was what?" I respond back, not too sure what part of the concert she was referring too.

"You know what with all the security and everything" Rose followed.

"Oh do you know Sumiye?" I ask


"Sumiye from YG?" Lisa joined in on the conversation.

"Yes Sumiye from YG, she wanted a picture" I smile in response.

" Ohhh she's getting so good I love her, but she's is in Seoul no?" Lisa pointed out.

"Yes she is, that's why her brother is here", I chime. For some reason excited to finally meet the person Sumi talks so much about.

"You look all giddy is he like super hot?" Jisoo speaks her mind into the conversation.

I didn't know how to answer that. Y/n definitely had some attractive features. His voice was deep and soothing, and he took care of his sister, so that gave him some extra points, but I hadn't seen him all to often to say if he was 'hot' or not.

"I don't know " I end up letting out.

"You don't know? What does that mean?" Rose furrows her brows at me.

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