Chapter 10: Rest Day

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I had a rare day off today, So I was hoping to relax and recover from BlackPinks tedious schedule. But of course, Jisoo had somehow convinced me to go to a basketball court with her.

Where did the sudden interest come from? Gosh I would wonder, if only it weren't for all the gossip surrounding Y/n and myself. Ever since the rumors started, the girls could not stop talking about it. Now basketball was a hot commodity.

" You know I used to play in high school so I thought it'd be fun. Do you not think so ? " Jisoo tilts her head to the side, her beautiful round eyes searching me for any signs of disinterest.

"Oh no it's a great idea" I try my best to look happy. I guess she was actually serious about this.

Soon we make our way out of our shared apartment after putting on our athletic wear.
We arrived at the basketball gym in decent time, about 5 minutes and the gym was closer to our building than I had originally thought.

On the walk here I was mentally preparing myself so I could make it through this, since sports were never really my forte. Too bad my mental preparation was cut early with the short trip.

As we entered the front doors of the gymnasium, a sound boomed the entire space vibrating my soul. I screamed out in fear tightly grabbing Jisoo who didn't seem to be bothered at all by the noise.

"Oookay I can see why your the lead vocalist." My ears perk up at the voice. My gaze is soon to follow and to my surprise there he was, dangling with one arm on a hoop, the other hand holding his ear in pain.


" Y/n!? W-why are you here?", I managed to let out after coming to my senses and releasing my hold on Jisoo. I wasn't sure if him being here was a pleasant surprise or not.

"Well I'm a basketball player it's kinda what I do." He says casually and swings down from the basketball hoop landing softly onto the court.

"That's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?"

"What are you doing here in Korea?" I cross my arms slightly agitated. Was it not obvious what I was asking?

"Oh I came to see Sumi, she's training right now so she said I could come here. Figured why not get a workout in while I wait." He finally explains.
It made sense, from what I knew with spending time with Sumiye myself. Y/n took his big brother duties very seriously, she always had good things to say about him. But I never expected him to show up here, especially with the controversy going on between me and him right now. From the looks of it he had no clue how bad this could look to the media. Hopefully no paparazzi had seen him on the way here.

"I didn't take you idols for basketball players... what gives?" He stops spinning the ball, the questioning shifting to us. I honestly did not know the answer myself which opted me to pause for a moment. The second of stillness causing me to blankly stare at Y/n.

He was drenched in sweat and was taking really...really deep breaths. His define arms were on full display too as he bore a well-fitted black tank top along with white shorts. My lord, I did not know I was a fan of tattoos until now, but Y/n just made it look so good. How long was he working out, for him to look like that. A weird feeling of shyness washed over me, it appeared to be a common trend with Y/n.

" How long have you been here?" Jisoo speaks up. Disregarding Y/n's question and snapping me out of my freeze.

"I uhhh don't know Korean." Y/n sheepishly scratches his nape. That's right, he only spoke English and Japanese. Though I recall him speaking what I think was Spanish with his really tall friend from months ago.

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