Chapter 9: Coincidence

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Y/n woke up the next day feeling great. After
having a career high game like last night, how could he not be happy? Shifting his sheets in his bed, he raised his arms and stretched for the ceiling, a satisfied smile making its way onto his face.

   Getting out of bed he then grabbed his phone and walked towards his bathroom to start his morning routine. While in the midst of brushing his teeth he unlocked his device. His eyes widening at what was on his screen.

"WHATT!!!?" , Y/n yelped. His toothbrush falling out of his mouth. He then proceeded to refresh his screen multiple times just to make sure it was not the morning haziness getting to him. But in fact the number he saw on his instagram profile was indeed real. . . 8.8 million followers!

Y/n went to bed the night before with 1 million, which is respectable in itself. But he was not expecting to gain near 8 million followers overnight. Maybe he would have to try and score more 50 point games from now, if only that was the reason for all of the attention.

Y/n then realized after going through some comments and other social media apps that the huge gain in following was for an entirely different reason than basketball. Instead, it appeared that the world had decided that he was in a relationship with Jennie Kim. Of course it was only a rumor, but that didn't stop the blush from forming on his cheeks.

"Ugh why do I even bother with Social media", Y/n groans placing his hand over his heated face. He then takes a second to look at himself in the mirror contemplating on how this happened. D'Lo was definitely a huge part of it when he was spouting all of Y/n business on live television, but Y/n had a feeling that there was a bigger mastermind behind this.

"Even thousands of miles away she's still giving me headaches" Y/n sighed, knowing his only sibling was the one to blame. There had to be a reason why Sumi had sent him that link to Jennie's new song. Of course she couldn't have known D' Lo was going too do what he did. But Y/n needed someone to blame as his mind was spiraling on what to do with the situation.

At that, he called his sister. It was 7:00 am so she should still be awake as it was probably around 8 at night over in Seoul. His phone rang a couple of times before Sumiye finally picked up.

" Ohayo!" Her voice sang through the phone.

" Got something to tell me?" , Y/n tone giving away his current mood.

"Uhhh not really what's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong!"

"I have no idea what yo-

"Sumiye...", Y/n cut her off with a low rumble.

"Okay I'm sorry I didn't know it would blow up like this." Sumiye finally confessed.

"What were you thinking? Jennie is literally a rising idol do you even know what could happen?Dating rumors and scandals for a NBA player don't mean much, but as an idol in training you should know what something like this could do." Y/n scolded.

"I know I didn't think it through I'm sorry okay"

" Stop apologizing I know", Y/n let out a big sigh. Why was he going off on his sister? Realistically she did not do anything wrong.

" Oniisan are you okay?" Sumi quietly asked.

" I'm okay... my bad for going off on you like that. How's everything over there though?  Am I going to start seeing you on T.V. soon?" Y/n tried changing the subject. The last thing he needed was for his sister to be worried about him, especially since she most likely had her own problems to deal with.

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