Chapter 5: Light up my Eyes

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Location: Barcelona,Spain.

July 2018

I was currently sitting down near my gate awaiting for my plane to be ready to board. So far, the adidas world tour as gone well

But now my sights were set in Japan, My home country. It's been so long since I have been here that all my memories with the country are vague. This time I would be sure to explore everything and hopefully get some pictures for my mom.

The next day was when everything got started with Adidas. In the morning I had training camp. It was amazing to see how much of an effect I had on the little ones here in Japan. Basketball was continuing to expand internationally and I was glad to be apart of that.
Now the pressure was on to live up to all the expectations. I was a role model, so I had to show them what it takes to get to where I am now.

"Kaito-San play me play me!" A little boy tugged on my shirt during shoot around. His eyes were filled with determination. There was no way I could turn him down.

"You think you can hang with me?" I tease him. He only smirks in response.

"I can beat you!" He shouts, which garners the attention of the other kids and staff.

"Oh it's on!"

Everyone gathers around on our side of the court. The cameras were rolling and all eyes were on the two of us. I roll the ball up to him allowing him to have the ball first. Now let's see what this kid has up his sleeve.

Right away he starts dribbling he's was pretty good and his handle on the ball was exceptional...for his age.

However, these moves wouldn't beat me in a million years. Now, there are two ways players usually deal with kids challenging them. 1; they go easy on them and let them score. 2, they completely demolish them. I always preferred the second option.

I was a hero to these kids, what fun would it be if I was so easily defeated. I would be an obstacle for these kids instead.
something they could overcome. I wouldn't be doing them any favors if I went easy.

So when he went up for his shot I snagged the ball out of the air before it could even reach the rim.

I then let him get set on defense since it was now my turn to attack. Once he was ready I dashed past him and windmill dunked the ball into the hoop. All the kids around went crazy, shouting and screaming in complete awe. Even the kid that challenged me kinda stood there in amazement.

I took a pen from one of the staffs and signed the ball from our little duel. I then went up to the kid.

"What's your name buddy"

"Y-yuri. "

"Well Yuri this is for you" I hand him the signed ball.
"I want you to bring this back to me when you make the NBA, then I'll challenge you as my equal." I say only loud enough for the two of us to hear.

Just like before, when he challenged me, his expression fixed into one of determination and he nodded. I smiled in return, and ruffled his hair a bit before sending him back to the other kids shooting around.

After the training camp and the interviews that followed after I couldn't wait to get back to my grandmas house and rest up a bit.

"Obaasan I'm home!" I call out when I enter the front door. My grandmother steadily makes her way towards me and greets me with a hug. We eat a early dinner together as I tell her about how our life was in the states, not that she didn't know already, but I knew she loved to hear the stories.

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