Chapter 3: Broadcast

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Quick notes

Italics will represent when someone is speaking another language.

So keep that in mind :)


April 2018

Today was quite exhausting, and my body was feeling the results of it. We had hours of choreography in preparation for our upcoming performances. And I had a slightly extra workload since I would also have to be performing my solo that debuted in November.
So, now here we are in the studio to record vocals with our producer. However, Teddy, said producer, was too busy watching an NBA game. He was so into it that we just ended up ordering food and watching it with him. Looks like no work was going to be done.

"This kid is so annoying!"

Oh and Danny, Teddy's best friend, was here too.

"So which team is better?" Jisoo asks.

"Definitely the Lakers" Danny quickly answers, pointing to the team wearing purple and gold.

"Yeah but this Kaito kid is giving them trouble look!" Teddy nods towards the screen.

I didn't really know the rules about basketball, but it seemed entertaining enough to watch. Time was running out, and it looked like the lakers were in a good spot to win the game.

"No not this kid again" Danny whined. As a player from the other team took hold of the ball.

The "kid" was shorter than most of the other players on the court, but he was pretty cut-
"Ahhh he's cute no?" Jisoo whispered to us girls. Guess I wasn't the only one who thought so.

" Y/n has been on fire in the second half of the season can he keep his team stay alive." The Tv buzzed in English.
" He puts up the shot with no time remaining!"

Both Danny and Teddy rose from their seats in anticipation. Their eyes big as they waited for the outcome of the game. It was amusing seeing how a game thousands of miles away could stir up so much emotion for fans watching it here, I liked the feel of it all.

"AND HE HITS THE SHOT! Y/N KAITO AKA SHOU! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!." The announcers of the game boomed. Danny dropped in defeat and Teddy seemed to be pleased with the result.

"That just changed him from from cute to hot." Rose joked . Lisa and Jisoo nodded in agreement as they ate their food. I looked back at the screen. Kaito had the biggest smile on his face and then interviewers approached him. With the camera now closer up on him, I could really see his features. He had forest hazel eyes, and his hair fell over his headband, wet from sweating from the game. This guy was gorgeous, why is he playing basketball and not modeling ?

"Y/n Kaito what a game 45 points tonight! What did you see out there that allowed you to get the edge over the Lakers?" The interviewer positioned her mic in front of Kaito. He praised his team and the fans for helping him stay locked in the game.

"Also Kaito, we're in Los Angeles right now and it seemed during the game you had your own personal crowd. How does it feel to have so much support around you." Kaito took a couple seconds to ponder and briefly laughed with teammates that came to congratulate him during his interview.

"You know Doris I wouldn't be here without it, being Asian-American came with its struggles and I had to work harder than those around me and get through that adversity so that I could be here today. So,
the fact I have so many people rooting for me and having my back is surreal." He spoke well.

"Any words of encouragement to kids out there looking up to you?"

"Believe in yourself " he smiled towards the camera, stating a Japanese phrase.

I found myself smiling while I saw him walk away from the camera to go celebrate. There was something about him that I couldn't quite figure out but I liked it . Unfortunately I couldn't see more of him because Teddy switched the tv channel.

Guess it was finally time for us to do some real work.


Time skip

June, 2018

"We have arrived welcome to Paris, France."
I hear the  pilot over the speakers.

I was excited, even with being in the NBA and traveling all the time, since it wasn't often you get to leave the country unless if you were going to Toronto.

So, I think I had pretty valid reason to be stoked, plus this was apart of the Adidas world tour.

" You ready bro?" Porzingis  bends slightly over, so I can hear him.

"I'm through the roof right now."

The 7'1 man gives me a look of confusion.

And once again I forgot. throughout the trip I found out that Porzingis wasn't the best at English, Spanish was his native tongue.
"I am excited" I repeat in Spanish. This time he understands and says how he was feeling similar.

We both represented a small part of the NBA community, him being from Europe and me having an Asian background.

The two of us were also young talents whose work in the league was starting to get recognized. So in a way we could relate to each other.
As a result our friendship quickly developed despite being on rival teams. We were both ready for a big moment like this.

Before heading to our hotels, our mangers discussed the events that were planned out for us in France. It didn't involve anything too crazy just the typical. Autographs, some training sessions with kids, and a couple of interviews. What I was most excited about was the commercial Adidas wanted us to be apart of. It involved a collaboration with Karim Benzema and Paul Pogba who were both stars in their respective sport.

Tomorrow was definitely going to be a interesting day.

Later that night I got a call from my little sister. Before answering I position myself comfortably on my hotel bed.

After a couple rings on the phone, Sumiye's familiar face pops up on my screen.

"Sumi it's 12:00 at night here what could you possibly want ?" I groggily groan, my body fighting to stay temporarily awake.

"Oops totally forgot about the time zones." She apologizes half heartedly.
"Anyways there's someone I want to introduce you to."

Ever since Sumiye had her successful tryout for YG, she's been calling me at outrageously late times. I don't think she gets that she's in South Korea now.

So I needed a moment to process what the hell was happening.

"Sumi this is a terrible prank."

"No I'm serious please oniisan." she begs, I think I heard someone giggle in the background but I roll my eyes knowing I wouldn't hear the end of this.


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