Chapter 12: Distraction

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed with the biggest headache and the sunlight coming from the bedroom window was not helping. It was like my whole brain was clouded with fog and I felt like shit.

So unenthusiastically, I drag myself out of bed and slowly stumble my way out of the unknown room . Where the hell was I? The walls, furniture, and frames were all things I did not recognize.

" I see you're awake?"

I turn and squint my eyes to focus on who was trying to talk to me. After a couple seconds I realized it was that one idol Jennie was rumored to be with, I think his name was Kai. Was this his place?

" Yeah this is a nice place you got here." I compliment to ease the tension that was in the air. For some odd reason Kai did not look like the happiest camper, he was eyeing me as if he was trying to determine if I was an ally or foe.

" Have a seat let's talk." Kai points me into the direction of his roof deck.

As I step outside I notice how nice of a view he had from here. But of course I was not going to tell him that since he did not even acknowledge my last compliment.

" So what do you want to talk about ?" I sigh and try to relax and breathe in the air to ease my pounding head.
" Why were you at the girls place last night?" Kai takes a seat next me and once again keeps his gaze glued to me.

" The girls place?"

Thats when a flood of memories came rushing back into my mind.
" Ah BlackPink I was having dinner with them." I keep my response short and sweet.
However, Kai did not seem to like my answer as he took a deep breath before proceeding.

" And what makes you think you can do that?"
Now Kai's tone was borderline threatening. The attitude he was giving me was unneeded and I for one was not in the mood for an argument.

" My name is Y/n nice to meet you since you did not want to bother asking me that." I state with a ton of sarcasm.

" Secondly, I can have dinner with whoever I want you're not my dad."

" Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that!" Kai suddenly stands up in front of me anger clearly rising on his expression.

" I'm Y/n did you not hear me earlier? On top of that you're getting loud and it's hurting my ears so I'm going to take my leave here." I then stand up and start to make my way out, ignoring Kai's yelling for me to explain my relationship with BlackPink, but then he mentions Jennie and I freeze involuntary.

Another set of memories came to me briefly, images of intimate moments between Jennie and I flashing in my mind. What the fuck happened last night?

"You know how much trouble you're causing them?" Kai follows up.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not an idol so I don't expect you to understand but you're messing up all their momentum. They're the most popular girl group in the world right now and you're putting that in jeopardy."

Maybe I had this guy all wrong. He seemed to really care for BlackPink. I mean emotions can get the best of us right?

"Then what do you suppose I do huh ?" I wave my arms in the air for an answer.

"Stay away from them, you're a distraction they don't need." I huff at his solution. I can't believe he just called me a distraction? Did this guy really not know who I was ? Why would I want to go running around distracting some K pop group? I had a career of my own to worry about. And if we were going to talk about distractions he should give him self some points for being one too.

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