Chapter 8: Trending

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October 2018 Boston, Massachusetts.
Start of 2018-19 NBA season


Finally, I had returned to do what I do best. Ever since the end of my tour I had been relentless with my training. I spent every day in the gym. I lifted to maintain my desired physique. I put up thousands of shots until I was comfortable shooting from anywhere in the half court. I worked endlessly on dribbling drills that the ball now felt like an extension of me. It was hell, after every workout I was drenched and completely drained.

Mr. Chang even questioned if I was maybe pushing myself too hard. But I knew that great things came from hard work. So I kept at it with the endless repetitions. 

   I couldn't bare to not make the playoffs again. I wanted to play on the biggest stage which was the NBA finals. Nothing was going to stop me from getting there. Kobe Bryant was my idol, and he was known as being one of the hardest workers the world has seen. I wanted to be like him ever since I was little. I wanted to meet him but he retired the year before I was drafted.

News around the league about Kobe mentoring Jason Tatum, a rookie drafted this year, made its way to me. Was I jealous? Maybe a little, but that only meant that I had to keep grinding until everyone has no choice but too recognize my greatness, including Kobe Bryant.

So when I found out that we would be playing the Boston Celtics first game of the season I was more than pleased.

So when I found out that we would be playing the Boston Celtics first game of the season I was more than pleased

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Unfortunately, by halftime my team was down by 15. The other squad had been running circles around us. Our coaching staff didn't know what to do. We had tried different tactics and different matchups, but nothing would work. At the rate we were heading, our season opener was going to be a snooze fest.

When we got to the locker room to discuss our second half game-plan my teammates were yelling at each other, and coach couldn't seem to calm them down. It led to me stepping away from all the negative energy that was building up in the locker room. I couldn't handle it right now, and if I were to get involved it would be like pouring gasoline on fire. That would only cause me more stress.

Searching for a more suitable area for my wellbeing I found myself in the hall of the arena. There were hefty security guards and the echoing sounds of fans in the center of the stadium, so I wouldn't have the chance to be completely alone. I guess you could call it a... quiet chaos. Like white noise, it helped me relax a little,

Once getting comfortable amongst the wall, I put on my headphones and started playing some songs. Music for me always had a way of tampering with my emotions. Depending on the song it could put me in the zone giving me inspiration, like a spark that I could use to get us back in this game. But a notification appearing on my phone interrupted my process.

It was Sumiye, she had sent me a link to a video. Curious I quickly clicked on it, and was pleasantly surprised to see Jennie singing her new song. It was called "Solo". I smiled, I hadn't spoken to her since my visit to Japan. I had almost forgot how pleasant it was sharing dinner with her and BlackPink.  I should've gotten some sort of social from her. Dinner with her was actually quite nice.

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