Chapter 18: Dote

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^ Author's note

I recommend playing this song while reading the first part of this chapter, or at least listening to it before reading the chapter just because it correlates to the setting and atmosphere.

~ I watched him through my phone take a deep inhale through his lungs, his breath a little unsteady. Anyone could probably tell he was nervous. But slowly, he rocked his head as he began to strum the strings of his guitar, the uneasiness visibly leaving his body until he was completely relaxed.

He played with a sense of ease as his melody started filling our ears. Unconsciously my body swayed along with the rhythm of his tune and I shut my eyes wanting to only focus on his skillful hands.

He had nothing to worry about, he was great and I could feel the edges of my mouth rise from the thought of how nervous he was from before.

But then he let out his voice for all of us to hear, and suddenly it was like he was in the room with me, his rich voice resonating within my soul. I opened my eyes to see him lost in his song, a joyous smile evident on his face as he happily played his instrument like there was no tomorrow. He was beautiful...

I have never been more entranced in a person in my lifetime. His voice and the emotion behind it while he sung had me at a loss for words. I'm sure tears were spilling from my eyes, as I myself was left stranded in the ambiance he was creating.

I had forgotten where I was. My worries dissipated, my problems forgotten. My mind only suffused with him and his air.

After time and time again, He never failed to leave me completely captivated from him just being himself.

I wish I was not listening to him through the mere speaker of my phone. Though I enjoyed his sound, I wanted all of him here in my presence. I didn't realize how much I truly missed him, how much I yearned to be close to him.

We were thousands of miles away from each other, yet somehow I was falling for him effortlessly. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.

This guy that I had only interacted with a couple of times had managed to leave me star-struck.

Maybe it was the alcohol in my system that was making me think that he was some type of higher being, or maybe not, but all I knew is that in this moment...

There wasn't a person in the world that could make me feel like this.

Y/n you really are something else~

Next morning


My brain felt like it was being repeatedly smashed against my skull when my eyes opened from my slumber. And inconveniently, my mind also had no recollection of the prior night. God, what the hell did I do?

Sluggishly, I dragged myself off my mattress and trudged out my room to find something that would calm my headache.

" Well you look like you had a rough night." Jisoo said, enjoying a cup of coffee while working on something on her laptop at the table. Ignoring the comment, I make my way to the kitchen searching for some over-the-counter medicine that would at least make my aching brain tolerable.

"Aish where's the Tylenol?" I whine, throughly searching our medicine cabinet before finally finding it all the way in the back. "Ah there it is"

With a glass of water I take the pills, already feeling slightly better now that I had some water .

"Do you think she remembers?" I hear Lisa whisper. Shaking off some of my sleepiness, I realize that all the girls were at the dining table. They were looking at me cautiously.

"What is there something on my face?" I asked, feeling awkward with their speculating gazes all over me.

" Nope, but you do know we went for drinks last night right?" Lisa answers.

"Well I figured that's why I have this stupid hangover." I sigh whilst leaning on our island counter.

"By any chance do you remember anything else?"

"I mean not really's all kind of blurry."

"Oh okay"

"Wait why are you asking? Oh my god did I do something embarrassing?" Slowly, Lisa nods her head yes, an amusing smile she was trying to hide emerging on her.

"No no no what did I do ?" The temporary relief I was having from my mind now completely gone.

"Well let's just say we all know the reason for your sudden interest in basketball this year."
Rose chimes in.

"No stop! please tell me I didn't do what I think you're saying."

I felt light headed after hearing what left Lisa's mouth.

"...You confessed."

Previous night


I was met with silence on the other side of the phone after I played the last note of my guitar. All the girls were just still like statues and I could not tell what they were thinking. I don't think my performance was that bad but what did I know ? These girls were on a level of their own when it came to music.

"I told you girls I wasn't any good" I try to laugh off.

" Y/N ! WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE SO GOOD!" Lisa shouts in amazement. I think she may of had some alcohol in her system as well.

"Aish what a showoff we asked you to play the guitar not sing." Rosie I think compliments.

" Yeah maybe you should consider being a singer." Jisoo suggests as if it was an actual possibility.

"Thank you." I smile back at them. It felt good to be acknowledged by a group as iconic as them.

"Y/n-kun what's wrong with you!" Jennie unexpectedly fires at me.

"W-what did I do something wrong? I answer, genuinely perplexed.

" You're a problem." She puffs her cheeks out. It honestly was the cutest thing.

"May I ask why that is?"

" Y-you're making my heart flutter again, my cheeks are getting all hot, and I can't stop thinking about you. It's all your fault I feel like this !" She pouts and crosses her arms.

Was I hearing right? Was Jennie confessing to me right now? I felt myself getting warm and my nerves were peaking. No I can't take what she says seriously I mean she's drunk.

"Wow how bold of you Nini." Lisa says with an exaggerated gasp.

"Don't act so shocked Lisa you know it was obvious she likes him." Rose responds.

" I do! How could you not? I mean look at him he's so fucking fine. The things Y/n could do to m-
"Uh sorry Y/n we should probably go now thanks for playing guitar!" Jisoo cuts off Jennie and ends the call frantically, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Gosh drunk Jennie really knows how to make my heart race.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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