Chapter 2: For old time sake

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"Well how do you feel my boy?" My dad,who's also my agent, nudges my shoulder with his own as we walk out the Nets facility.

"Like a dream come true I guess" I respond, still processing that I just signed a contract with Adidas. " 20 million for 5 years is what I would be making from it, it was basically more than my rookie contract with the NBA.

The document at least in my eyes had so many up sides. Shoes branded by Adidas would now be prepared for me every game without cost. The exposure of just being associated with the name Adidas is a huge plus, and to top that off I was going on tour this off-season with Kristoph Porzingis.

Now looking back on it, The only downside was that I couldn't wear any other brands when playing basketball. Which to me isn't that big of a deal. It honestly couldn't have gone any better. But with enough sitting around, I get ready to leave for home.

"Yeah well I'm proud of ya, and you've been working hard you deserve it." My dad wraps his arms around my shoulder as we continue to walk into the parking lot until we reach his ride.
"Alright I still have to go get your sister from school so I'll see ya at home?" He gives me a look for an answer as he opens the door of his white 2016 Ford Explorer.

"See ya there." I wave, as he drives off. I always preferred taking the subway. The walk there gave me a chance to look at the city and it was always fun seeing what type of people I would see along the way. Plus, I always look forward to interacting with one of my fans. I was not that famous yet, but slowly run ins with my followers were becoming more frequent. I know it's a little odd not having a car as a NBA player, but in the beautiful city of New York I didn't see the point in having one.

Feeling in a great mood I decide that I want music to keep me company, and place my white Beats headphones over my ears. Wanting to switch it up I scroll through multiple radios on Apple Music. "Sumiye been telling me to give this a shot hmmmm why not?" I whisper to myself, as I pick the station of my choosing.

"Blackpink in your area..." the speakers on my head echoed. Coincidentally, I just happened to be sporting a black and pink Adidas sweatshirt, so in a way I felt like it was only right to leave it on. The rhythmic opening instrumental had me steadily bopping my head as I waited for the vocals to play.

"~Been a bad girl, I know I am.

And I'm so hot I need fan.

I down want a boy, I need a man

Click clack badda bing badda boom

Muneul bakchamyeon modu nal barabom-"

Still bopping my head slightly more aggressively now, I notice that English was no longer what I was listening too. I thought it was interesting that even though I couldn't understand all the words I found my self still jamming to the music, and playing it until it finished.

After that, a mixture of other songs played. The new genre kept me engage throughout my entire trip through the subway.
Don't get me wrong I have heard about K-PoP I just never got into it. Growing up with basketball; Rap and Hip-Hop were always associated with it, so that's the genre I always leaned towards, or at least listened to.

But as I enter my family's apartment, after getting back. I head to my room, and my eyes focus onto the musical instrument that hung on my wall. I realized that it's been awhile since I've played any music of my own.

Picking up the guitar I sit down on my bed, and softly strum the strings to see how bad I needed to tune the cords since I haven't played in awhile. Once the 6 strings sounded good to my ear's liking I began to strum a familiar tune.

(Cue Bloom by The Paper kites)

I play the instrument almost perfectly as if I never had taken a break. Feeling nostalgic, I ready myself to sing too...cause why not?

"In the morning when I wake" a soft delicate voice I knew all too well blesses my ears. I turn my head slightly while still playing to see my little sister with the biggest grin on her face standing at my door. "And the sun is coming through" she continues the lyrics without a beat and walks over to take a seat on my bed next to me.

I can't resist the smile that finds its way to my face as we sing together. I was not anything special however, Sumiye , has the best voice I've ever heard. We used to do this so often before I went pro. Every time she sang my mind was blown from how good she was. Thinking about it brings back so many memories.

" Y/n Your playing the guitar again!" My sister wraps her arms around me as we finish the last line of the song.

"Yeah I was kinda in the mood."

"Really it's been so long since I've heard you play we should do it more again" she beams and I chuckle at her excitement.

Sumiye wants to make music her career, so I get asked to duet with her pretty often, I just never have the time.

"Sure I'll try to see where doing whatever Sumiye wants fits into my schedule" I playfully tease her.
She gives me and adorable pout in return and that's when I realize her shirt.
"Cool shirt"

She looks down and smiles at the compliment.
"I know it's BlackPink I love them!"


"Yeah BlackPink?" She gives me a questioning look."Bro please don't tell me you don't know who BlackPink is."

"Of course I do... it's the colors on my shirt right?"
I laugh sarcastically in return.

Sumiye then proceeded to lecture me about how I should know BlackPink, which I now know is some K-pop girl group. But after Sumi started spouting about being a blink I kinda zoned out.

"Everyone likes Lisa but Jennie is my favorit- Y/n ! are you even listening?"

"No, but guess who your big bro just signed with today?" I changed the topic and open my arms to show her the shirt I'm wearing.

She takes a second ands looks me up and down. She was annoyed with me so it took her second before she started gasping and covering her mouth with her hands when she realized.

"Adidas?" and I simply nod back with a knowing smirk causing Sumiye to start leaping around.

"Omg omg omg tell me everything!"


I know... still no Jennie action, but I promise she'll be introduced soon

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