Chapter 13: Anticlimactic

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My blood felt like lava flowing through my veins on the verge of erupting with each passing second Y/n inched closer to me.

I was trapped between his strong arms but I felt no need to escape. My body just seemed to always fall victim to Y/n's ministrations. Maybe I was a sucker for looks, but who could blame me.

With jet black hair that fell just above his lush eyes, accompanied by symmetrical features and a large frame that loomed over me . It was as if he came from some dark fantasy.

Y/n looked just about ready to ravish me and I could feel my insides flutter at the thought that he could take me right here on this counter.

"Does this seem familiar?" Y/n whispered near my ear, his breath hot against my already burning skin.

This was way more intense than what happened between us last night. Before, Y/n was completely intoxicated and I myself had alcohol buzzing through my body. So we could have thrown our actions out as a drunken mistake, but right now we were both fully aware of what was happening.

There was an undeniable attraction between the two of us.

"Is this okay?" He asked like the gentleman he was. It wasn't fair how he could look like the devil in disguise but act as sweet as an angel. I was so immersed in him that I did not care to use words and just gave him a slight nod.

But a sudden bark had Y/n pulling away from me with a yelp.

I blinked a couple times to make sure I was actually awake because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

" You're scared of dogs!?" I asked in astonishment.

"They are ferocious little beasts!" Y/n shouted, whilst standing on top of a chair in attempt to get away from my dog Kai.

I could not pass up this opportunity as it may have been the funniest thing I have ever seen. A guy well over 6 foot cowering away at the sight of a dog that barely stood 15 inches.

Y/n's eyes go wide when he sees the flash from my phone.

"Are you seriously taking a picture of this!? Help me!" He says bewildered as if his life was in actual danger.

" Say cheese!!!"

After having to lock Kai in my room, I came back to the living room to see Y/n on the couch with a small pout on his face. I guess he was embarrassed that I found out that he was afraid of dogs.

" Dogs really?" I tease Y/n and take a seat next to him.

" Ugh I can't believe this." Y/n sighs, covering his face with his hands in disbelief. I roll my eyes at his boyish behavior, it wasn't something to be ashamed of, if anything it was cute.

But it seemed like Y/n wanted to avoid the topic so I decided not to pry.

"You got anything planned out with Sumiye?" I ask, and Y/n's face seems to light up at the mention of his sister.

"Not really, I'll most likely end up getting dragged around wherever Sumi wants to go, I should probably warn my bank in advance." He chuckles to himself.

" Sumi does have expensive taste." I giggle picturing the scene in my head.

"You're one to talk." Y/n disses me with a sly smirk.

"Yahhh! What do you mean!?" I cross arms slightly offended.

"Well excuuuse me...didn't mean to upset you Ms.Chanel." He finger quotes at me.

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