13 Grandma

395 22 16

Lily POV

"Do you mind if I work a little more on my article?" I asked after we had eaten a snack together with Maya and Roman was now sitting on the floor with her to build a big tower out of wooden building blocks.

Maya looked very concentrated as she stacked one block on top of the other. Roman always handed her a new block, but had to live with the fact that Maya had a different idea of the final result. Each time she corrected him and said what color she wanted instead of the one he offered her.

"Of course it's okay. What is it about? Is there anything I can help you with?" replied Ro.

"It's about overly sponsored products in beauty and home. So unless you know something about Function of Beauty or Pillow Slides, I don't think you can help me." I laughed as I pulled my laptop out of my backpack.

"Um.... no, that's where I'm out." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Thought so... Play with Maya, Ro... It's okay. I've already done a lot of research. So it shouldn't take that long." I replied.

So now as I was busy at my work, I kept hearing the enthusiastic giggles or claps from Maya as she kept her daddy busy with everything possible. From building blocks to coloring books and crayons and puzzles. Then she would have something read to her before having a dance party with him.

After a while, I had the impression that Roman was ready for a nap. But unfortunately for him, Maya was not. She was still full of energy. Which honestly surprised me myself. But that could change quickly.

"Okay Miss Maya. Daddy needs a bathroom break. I'll be right back," I heard Roman say.

He gave her a kiss on the hair and headed to the bathroom. Maya came over to me and then demanded my attention.

"Hi baby." I said as I lifted her onto my lap.

"What doing, Mommy?" she wanted to know, looking at all the colorful pictures I had on the screen.

"Mommy is writing a story. But don't worry. I'll be done in a minute and then we can cuddle." I replied as she leaned against me.

She was probably getting a little tired after all. I could understand it. It was a long day and the nap on the plane wouldn't last forever.

But then suddenly the doorbell rang. Since there was no sign of Ro yet, I decided to go to the door and see who was there. It was an older lady, who I knew was Roman's mother. I gulped. I was not prepared for this. At least not today. We were actually planning to visit her tomorrow afternoon.

"Hello. Is my son home?" she asked politely.

"Hello Ma'am, yes he is-" I put in.

"Mommy, who's that?" whispered Maya, who I had in my arms, not exactly quietly.

She had her index finger in her mouth while looking curiously at her still unfamiliar grandmother.

"Well... I'd say I'm your grandmother, little one." she replied before I had a chance.

"Grammy? Me Maya." said Maya excitedly, pointing to herself.

"I know. Your daddy told me about you and.... about your mother." she replied as her gaze moved from Maya to me and back again.

"It's nice to meet you, Ma'am." I said after I swallowed.

I was immediately intimidated. I mean... who in my situation wouldn't be?

"Mom! What are you doing here? I told you we'd come by your house tomorrow." I then heard Roman say behind me.

He put his arm around my waist and pulled me and Maya a little closer to him.

"I know... I know. But something came up and after I got off the phone with Joelle, I thought I'd see if you guys were home. Lily, I know you're probably pretty nervous about me, but I'm going to try my best to be on my best behavior. Not just because it's appropriate in front of children but because as you may know what Roman said to me. I'm trying my best to look past your.... situation," she said.

"I see... I guess that means Jojo overheard the conversation too?" he grunted and we stepped aside to let his mother in.

"Yeah well... She wasn't going to talk to her mother. I mean, she knew your side of the story.... I don't think she expected her mom to lie. I think you need to sit down as a family and talk to her as soon as possible.

But now... so you're little Maya... I'm Grandma Pat. May I?" his mother replied and then held her hands out invitingly towards Maya.

The little girl looked at me questioningly and I nodded in agreement. Then she leaned out of my arms toward her grandmother.

"Oh you certainly are a precious little thing. You really do look a lot like your sister. It wasn't just the pictures. Are you having fun with your daddy?" she asked Maya as they sat down on the couch together.

"Dada dancing." the little girl giggled and grinned at her dad.

"Oh really? Is he good at it? How long are you staying here with your mommy?" she wanted to know, then lifted her gaze to look at me.

"Um...just a few days. I have to be back in the office on Wednesday. We were going to have the kids spend time together, but that fell through." I replied hesitantly.

"It'll be fine. And I'll definitely have a word with Galina, too. At some point, enough is enough. I know everyone was hurt and words were said, yet you always said how sorry you were that you couldn't do it anymore, Roman. Even though I am still not thrilled with the reasons. It is what it is and children are involved. We'll all behave like adults.

Besides, Galina could have said something right away... Should have. Instead of paying back like with like. Two wrongs don't suddenly make a right. But enough of that. Your daddy told me that you like animals. That's why Grandma brought you a book with lots of animals in it," Pat said, then pulled a book out of her big purse.

Miss Maya was immediately excited as she flipped through it. She pointed to the different animals and told their names. She could even repeat many of the sounds.

Roman and I stood and watched our daughter interact with her grandmother. She listened intently when Pat told her something.

"Mommy potty." she said at one point.

I took her by the hand to make my way to the bathroom with her. Secretly glad for the little break in which a bit of my tension fell away. But I didn't quite trust the peace. A part of me was waiting for a blow.

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