Agent 4 plays more Turf War Battles

149 2 17

Date: August 2nd, 2017

This morning, Agent 4 looks at me while I'm making breakfast, since Sheldon wouldn't shut up about how I should probably be feeding Agent 4 more often than just every now and then, and asks if they could have the day off so that they could play more turf war battles. As much as I had wanted to have Agent 4 explore Beaker's Depot, the area we were currently in, I decided to grant them their request since they had been working really hard, but since I really want to know what happens in these battles and whether or not splatting octarians can help improve someone's multiplayer player capabilities. 

Stop claiming that you're trying to do one thing when in reality you just want to stalk Agent 4. - Callie

After going back into their original outfit and returning the Hero Shot, Hero Dualies, Hero Charger, and Hero Roller to Sheldon, or where Sheldon would be if he wasn't LATE!!! I swear, if he wasn't a close friend to gramps and it wasn't illegal, I will murder him and supply Agent 4 with weapons myself!

There's a very ... detailed  ... drawing of Marie snapping Sheldon into two pieces. There's a lot of blood that makes me super disgusted ... I just puked and need a moment to rest after seeing that. - Callie

*MC.Princess has connected*

Hey, Calz, heard you weren't feeling great. Mind if I take care this while you get back in your normal state? - MC.Princess

I don't know how you managed to figure out that I wasn't feeling great so suddenly but that would be really nice ... I just puked again. - Callie

Go rest, I'll continue your quest. - MC.Princess

*Callie has disconnected*

Alright, continuing on after the image that I'm guessing grossed Callie out. - MC.Princess

Agent 4's fourth turf war battle: victory. Agent 4's use of the terrain around them to find cover while trying to help their teammates helped provide Agent 4's victory. I was moderately surprised to see this sort of thing happen too as Agent 4 tended to be rather reckless with their actions against the Octarians. Need I mention Agent 4's battle against the Octo-Samurai where they just charged right in.

Hey, if it works, it works. Stop hating on a strategy that's working. - MC.Princess

I want to ask Agent 4 about this but I don't want them to know that I've been watching them through their turf war battles. In this battle Agent was splatted 2 times but primarily used their teammates as cover. In Agent 4's fifth turf war battle, Agent 4's team defeated their opponent but this time Agent 4 showed the same aggression that they showed the Octarians in the Octo-Canyon. 

Just like what I would expect out of someone from Team Chaos, get in their and cause chaos. Move across the area and be the boss that takes out the enemy team. - MC.Princess

They were splatted quite a lot because of this but they had also managed to splat a lot of foes, 6 foes splatted, 8 times splatted. Agent 4 was on a 2 win streak however they must've gotten a tad over confident because they lost their third turf war for the day. The enemy team seemed to have played a lot better than Agent 4 or Agent 4's teammates could've imagined as they were just shut down. it was brutal to watch Agent 4 get splatted 10 times while only splatting 2 enemies. 

I hope Agent 4 is ok, a defeat that bad can often be demotivational. Defeat, after all, is a taste more bitter than blackest coffee. - MC.Princess

This must've caused Agent 4 to realize that they should try something new so they go to Sheldon's shop where Sheldon seems to be since I let him go because Agent 4 wasn't going to do any kettles today, and Agent 4 comes walking out with a Splat Roller. I'm guessing that they wanted to try out the splat roller since they enjoyed the hero roller. Afterward, Agent 4 goes to play one last Turf War for the day. In their seventh turf war, Agent 4 now armed with the Splat-Roller, paints their team to defeat. This wasn't because Agent 4 was struggling with the Splat-Roller, if anything they were using it really well.

I bet that Agent 4 was using it better than how you used Calz's roller when the two of you switched weapons that one time. No one tries to aim with a roller, that's just a crime. - MC.Princess

It was because Agent 4's teammates didn't quite know what they were doing and seemed to struggle with their engagement with the enemy team while Agent 4 was just steamrolling through. 

I hate it when that happens.  - MC.Princess

After this, Agent 4 finds a bench to sleep on for the night. They look kinda cute when they're asleep. 

Marie, team money doesn't care for that lovey dovey stuff, just stop. - MC.Princess

While a small part of me wanted to get Agent 4 an apartment so that at least they had a place to chill, I didn't want to spend my money on that sort of thing because A. Team Money, 

Oh there you go, now you're thinking correctly. - MC.Princess

and B. maybe the poor sleeping conditions would convince Agent 4 that it would be better to focus on the Octocanyon and rescuing the zap fish along with possibly rescuing Callie since at least their, they'll have a sleeping bag that I had recently grabbed from Cuttlefish Cabin to sleep in. Anyway, that's all for this entry I guess.

I won't transcribe anything else today, it depends on whether or not Calz is feeling better soon if she'll be taking care of the next entry or not. Until then, Don't get Cooked, Stay off the Hook. - MC. Princess

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