Agent 4 does some Experiments

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I never really liked this place, it was so difficult just to figure out where you were going and very easy to get lost. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Date: August 5th, 2017

Agent 4 is as chipper as ever after having some chocolate cake, they didn't let me have any this time, and seems to be eagerly wanting to do more. After uncovering another invisible kettle, Agent 4 dives right in and gets started. In this one, they're issued the Hero Blaster which looks just ugly. I just don't like the design of it.

So Marie seems to have snapped a picture of what the Hero Blaster looks like. - DJ_Hyperfresh

I don't think it's ugly, it sorta looks like a bit of a Nasty Majesty to me. - MC.Princess

I somehow knew that you were gonna say something like that. - DJ_Hyperfresh

The main gimmick with the Hero Blaster is that it can hit multiple targets at once with its shots, but rapid fire isn't a talent that it has. I explain to Agent 4 that they should just use the blast radius of the Hero Blaster shots to their advantage. A Shielded Octotrooper comes into Agent 4's way but Agent 4 uses the blast radius of the Hero Blaster to get around the Shielded Octotrooper's shield and take them out. 

Impressive. - MC.Princess

I sorta feel bad for that Octotrooper, they were in a precarious position. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 is present with three different launchpads aligned together on a wall. They ink the wall by the rightmost Launchpad and launch off of that. 

Launchpad on walls!? This place is off the halls! - MC.Princess

Once Agent 4, they're treated by two shielded Octotroopers that are both on patrol. The first one if taken easily as Agent 4 would shoot them where their shield wasn't protecting them but the second would put up a little bit of a fight before being taken down as well. Agent 4 then moves to the hole in the middle of the platform.

Sounds like in order to go forward, Agent 4 needed to go downward. I couldn't resist. - MC.Princess

Agent 4 moves forward by a bit before being greeted by 3 octotroopers and a shielded octotrooper, but Agent 4 is able to speedily knock them all out. An Octostamp, not to be confused with Octostomp, would approach Agent 4 as they pressed on but Agent 4 would swiftly take it out.

I always kinda liked Octostamp, it was just so cute. Why must Agent 4 be so violent? - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 would then struggle to climb a wall before inking two switches to activate them through the blast radius of the Hero Blaster.

If only the Squid Surge was thing at this time. - MC.Princess

The two switches that Agent 4 inked cause the platforms in front of them to rotate. Agent 4's reckless side would pop up again as they would proceed to charge ahead causing two shielded octotroopers to get the drop on Agent 4 along with an Octostamp. 

Oh no. - MC.Princess

Agent 4 swiftly takes care of all 5 enemies and makes their way to the other end of the area, grabbing the key and taking the launchpad back to the first area.

Aren't you saddened by the octarians that died? - MC.Princess

No, it's understandable why they died as I know the platform was too narrow for Agent 4 to really go around them. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 would then use the key they'd grabbed to open a safe and activate the right switch. 2 more switches to go. 

That's why I never liked this place, in order to go forward you had to go down three different paths. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 then hopes on the middle launchpad and flies on over to another area. Here, they need to use the burst from the Hero Blaster to reach each grapplink. After the first two, Agent 4 takes another launchpad to an area where they had to use the Hero Blaster burst to ink some more grapplinks to make their way onto a platform and then proceeded to grab the second key and took the launchpad on back to the first area where they use the key they'd grabbed to unlock the middle switch. 

That's another one. - DJ_Hyperfresh

One more key and Agent 4 is golden! - MC.Princess

With one switch remaining Agent 4 takes the leftmost launchpad to its respective area. Here, Agent 4 is presented with an angled wall that they ink and then climb up. They then ink a splat switch which rotates some other platforms around which allows for Agent 4 to ink another splat switch.

I remember this part, I still question why Octavio decided to have this area, several octarians ended up contracting motion sickness due to this and the bottom part of this area would have to be cleaned daily due to the amount of puke that would rain down. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Well, maybe Agent 4 doesn't get motion sick as easily. I do hope Calz never had to clean up any of that. Puke has a taste more bitter than blackest coffee. - MC.Princess

You've tasted puke? - DJ_Hyperfresh

No, I've been around it though and it gets into your mouth fast. - MC.Princess

The block in the center then rotates over to a side without any splat switches on it which leads to Agent 4 inking that side and jumping over there where they would find some Sardinium before pressing on toward their right and up a wall to an area where a tentakook was circling around. 

Awe, they must be lonely. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 would fry that sucker which caused the platform that they were on to rise upward and allow them to ink splat switch which would rotate a block along with a ring downward allowing for Agent 4 to be able to press on to the next checkpoint. After taking down 3 octocopters, Agent 4 would ink the switch on the back of the block which would lead to a block on the other side to start rotating counter-clockwise.

I know, I'm having a hard time trying to go anywhere with any sort of visualization. - MC.Princess

There was a splat switch on the rotating block that Agent 4 would ink which lead to two circle pieces to swing down by Agent 4. This allowed them to get over to the next platform but while they were trying to cross, two Rocket Octocopters ambushed Agent 4. They however were just easy pickings for Agent 4 as both were swiftly splatted. After that, Agent 4 grabbed the key and returned to the first area.

I've never been more happy to be on solid ground than I am currently, that just sounded like Agent 4 had to suffer. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 should demand that Marie gives them actual benefits for the crazy stuff that they do. People should at least know who they are. - MC.Princess

Agent 4 would then unlock the final splat switch. With all three splat switch activated, the middle part of the stage shoots up and reveals a launchpad for Agent 4 to use. Agent 4 uses this launchpad to launch themself to the final checkpoint which has ... 16 octotroopers now that I look at it. Thankfully, I had sent Agent 5, the Industrial Sized Squeegee, to scout ahead while Agent 4 was grabbing keys earlier and it just so happened that Agent 5 was nearby when Agent 4 finally launched themself over. Agent 5 was the perfect thing for Agent 4 to ride on because it sucked up the Octarian ink and just smashed right through them which allowed Agent 4 to make it to the zap fish and snag it. 

I wonder when Agent 5 might be sent out again. Would be cool to see Octavio's reaction to one of his own weapons being used against him. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 collapsed from exhaustion after completing this kettle though and despite how great Agent 5 was during that, they also were exhausted. I got a feeling that I won't be putting in any more entries today because Agent 4 and Agent 5 both need rest. Until next time, Stay Fresh!

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