Cherry x Langa💙💖

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Triggers: slight angst

Caregiver: Cherry
Little: Langa (0-2)

Third person PoV:

"Langa, come here"


"Langaaa, come here right now" Cherry said in an authoritative voice


"Langa i will give you 5 seconds to come here now or i will pick you up myself"

Langa just sat there and looked at him.

"5....4....3.....2..... Langa don't let me get down to 1...... and 1, right that's it"

Cherry walked over to Langa and picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.


"Well if you didn't want to get into trouble and defy me then we wouldn't have to do this, you have been naughty today, firstly you drew on the wall and refused to clean it when i asked, secondly you took some candy without permission and made a mess in the kitchen and again ignored me when i asked you to clean it up and then you just blatantly ignored me and defied me so this is where we are now"


"Oh really, then who did?"

"Da ghost"

"What ghost?"

"Da messy ghost"

"Langa, there is no use in lying about it now especially when the evidence is all over you"

Langa just stayed silent and pouty.

Cherry laid Langa over his lap and started giving spankies (the spanks were done with pants on btw)

"Right Langa i am giving you 10 spankies for making a mess, lying and defying me, you don't need to count"

After the ten spanks were given Cherry put a sniffling Langa down and asked carla to run a bath for Langa.

Once the bath was ready Cherry undressed Langa from his clothes and diaper and put him in the bathtub and started to clean Langa which took a while seeing as Langa was very dirty from the mess he made and wasn't exactly thrilled about having a bath but nonetheless behaved whilst taking it all while pouting.

"Langa, stop with the pouting please, Dada doesn't like seeing his baby pout"

"Bu' you give Wanga 'panking"

"Langa, you were being naughty, if you didn't ignore me or defy me then you would've gotten away with a timeout instead"


"It's ok baby, dada forgives you, now c'mon lets get you out of the bath and some yummy food and then it's nap time a well deserved after this mornings commotion, don't you agree baby boy?"

"....I nu wan' haf nap"

Cherry chuckled "c'mon baby lets get some food first and have our food settle before nap time"

Cherry picked up Langa and wrapped him in a towel and took him to his room and dressed him in a new diaper and a clean onsie and took him downstairs to get some lunch.

Cherry made some mac n cheese for Langa and made himself a salad sandwich, after they finished eating they sat down and watched some tv before nap time. Then it was time for a nap as Langa fell asleep during the show so Cherry took him upstairs and laid him down on his bed and climbed in with him after he got into some comfy clothes and they had a nice nap together.

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