❤️Cherry x Reki💖

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Reki: babyspace


Cherry's PoV:

Today I woke up to peace and quiet which is unusual as normally there is a little playing around the house and making a ruckus. It was unusual.

I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom and got ready for the day, by having a shower and brushing my teeth, after my shower, I went back to my room and grabbed some clean clothes and was ready for the day.

Once I had finished getting ready, I then went over to Reki's room and checked up on him.

He was awake, and contently sucking on his paci, he saw me and squealed.

"Well hello baby, how are you today?"

I asked, I picked him up and kept up my conversation with him.

"Abababa baba ba"

"Oh really, that's good then"

I took him over to his changing table and changed his diaper and changed him into his clothes for the day

I took him over to his changing table and changed his diaper and changed him into his clothes for the day

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All whilst making sure to keep up with the conversation with him, he was feeling very chatty today, and it made me smile.

I finished changing him, so I placed him on my hip and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth for him.

After brushing his teeth, we then went to the kitchen for breakfast, I made him some oatmeal and I had some wheatabix.

I figured the rest of the day would be a mellow day so we just relaxed, we watched tv, had naps, played with some toys, ate food and slept.

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