Chapter 1.

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Stacie's P.O.V

Why on earth did God infect me with such a family? My mom, dad and I were perfectly fine without all of my younger siblings. I have four siblings.

Hayley, 13. Moody, annoying and unsociable. Basically the opposite to me when I was 13. I was always dancing, singing and doing fun sociable stuff. Then I hit 15 and turned. It's been two years since I've changed and I would say that I'm better. A lot better than having jet black hair and making sure no one could see my left eye behind my bangs. Since then I've dyed my hair back to brunette and started wearing more dresses and skirts, I've become the normal Stacie.

Reese, 9. He's special. He isn't a typical boy. Reese doesn't hang out with his friends at the soccer grounds or play video games with his mates. No. He hangs out with me and reads books. I'd say he's more on the feminine side, which is fine by me, I love him that way.

Dean, 6. Now Dean is your typical boy. He plays soccer and tries to convince my parents that he needs an Xbox or something like that. Always up to something. No matter what, you'll see Dean up a tree at one point during the day.

And Luca, 2. He's young and cries a lot. Always wailing and throwing a tantrum. We don't really have much of a relationship. Our conversations include us both gurgling and burping. Except he doesn't have to clean up my puke after I burp.

I'm Stacie, 17. I would be the oldest of the five if us. It's me who has to look after them when Mom and Dad are out. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I quite enjoy teaching Reese swear words in Spanish and Italian. Mom is from Italy and The US. She taught me and Hayley to speak Italian and I taught Reese. Dad is from Spain and England. He taught Me how to speak Spanish and I taught Hayley and Reese. But they both grew up in Pennsylvania and had a High School sweethearts kind of relationship. That's until I came along when they were both only 18. I call myself, "One Drunk Night."

"Stacie!" Mom called me downstairs.

"What?" I popped my head around the corner of the kitchen. I towered over 3 blonde heads and Luca's brown hair.

"Can you feed Luca?" Mom asked, running around like a headless chicken. The first day of school after summer is always the worst. Especially for Mom who's always like this.

"I have to get to school." I tried avoiding the situation.

"Please Stacie." She begged me as Luca started to cry.

"Okay." I groaned, dropping my bag on the floor. I bent down to my little brothers level in his high chair. He was still crying, I glared at him.

"Since when have you been interested in school?" Hayley scoffed, typical teenager.

"F*ck you." I grinned.

"Stacie, language." Mom tutted. I fed Luca his mushed up sh*t. It was green and orange and looked like my insides.

"There yah go little man." I patted his head and poked his nose. Just as I was about to get up, he burped. And when Luca burps, he pukes. Meaning, he puked all over my cleavage.

"Ugh." I groaned, turning around to a hysterical Hayley. Reese and Dean were both scared as I steamed up with anger.

"Oh, sweetie. Clean him up please?" Mom asked politely.

"No. I will clean myself up thank you very much." I sassed my way out of the kitchen. I held out my t-shirt so the puke stayed away from my nose.

"Looking at yourself again, hey?" Hayley followed me up the stairs. As I held out my t-shirt, you had a perfect view of my boobs.

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