Chapter 4

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Aubrey's P.O.V

"Stacie, woo!" I jumped on Stacie as she plopped her ping pong ball into the beer. "What's up?" I screamed.

"Aubrey, let's dance." She downed her beer and dragged me back to the dance floor. We jumped up and down and swayed from side to side. Every so often Stacie would glance at Emily who was still talking with Chloe and a drunk Beca.

"Hey Emily, dance with us." Stacie staggered over to Emily. She was still obviously pissed of with Stacie, but couldn't help but be dragged onto the dance floor. Stacie was drunk out of her mind - as were Beca and I - and I don't think she remembered what previously had happened. "What's wrong with you dude, dance." Stacie vigorously swayed Emily's right arm from side to side. Emily began to grin at Stacie's determination and forgot about the incident for one second and for that second, she smiled. But Trent caught a glimpse of them and how it looked like Stacie was forcing Emily to dance with her. Stacie didn't know any better being in the drunk state that she was. But Emily still looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Hey, hey, hey Emily, how about you come over here and hang out with us?" Trent had a smug and deceiving look on his face. He was hanging out with a bunch of his guy friends. Emily forced her way from Stacie's grip and walked over to him. She looked twice as uncomfortable as he was kissing her. He was really forceful towards Emily and showy offy in front of his friends. Stacie automatically caught sight of Emily and became that one over protective friend.

"Hey, get off her." Stacie sobered up a tiny bit. She pushed Trent away from groping Emily and he fell into the wall.

"Hey, hey. What was that for b*tch?" Trent screamed back.

"Could you not see how uncomfortable she was?" Stacie continued to stand up for Emily. Neither Beca, Chloe or I could stop her.

"We were just having a little fun?" He walked back to Stacie with a sly look. "You would know all about that Stacie."

"F*ck of. At least I don't go around raping innocent girls." Stacie growled.

"Stacie, calm down." Chloe grabbed onto her arms and began to pull Stacie back.

"No, piss of Chloe. You don't deserve Emily. None of you douche-bags do." She towered over the quivering gang of douches. Stacie turned back and pushed Chloe and Beca out of her way. She was leaking with anger and fury. Emily followed her into the bathroom.

"Hey, what's going on over here?" My legs trembled at Jesse's voice.

"Nothing, everything's fine." I replied.

"How's about we dance m'lady?" Jesse took my wrist like a gentleman and I followed him onto the dance floor.

Stacie's P.O.V

"Stacie." I heard a light bang on the stall door. I couldn't make out who was outside though. "Stacie, come out here please." Slowly, I unlocked the door and pushed it open a crack. Behind it stood a nervous and shaking Emily.

"Um, thanks for having my back out there." Her voice was shaky.

"Yeah, no problem. But I'm sorry for what I said before. I shouldn't of just said it like that." I 'apologised'. I meant every word I said about him.

"If it helps, Trent and I are over." Emily smiled softly.

"Well, he didn't deserve you anyway." I returned the smile.

"But you were right, he is a douche. I have him a chance, but it wasn't working out. Thanks." She wrapped her tiny arms around my waist and lightly hugged me. It took me by surprise so I didn't react for a while. After a couple seconds, I became comfortable and wrapping my arms around her neck came so naturally.

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