Chapter 14

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Stacie's P.O.V

Two weeks after the sleepover, we had another one and I supposedly got drunk again without my parents knowing.

"Oh, no, no, no." I wagged my finger at Emily as she walked out the door behind everyone else. "You, are staying right here with me."

"Seriously." She clocked her eyebrow up.

"Seriously, you are staying here so I can make you feel better." I smirked and brought her upstairs.

"Um, Stacie. I think you're still a little drunk from last night." She breathed, as I brought my lips and grazed her's slightly.

"Psh, no I'm not." I sat up, still straddling her thighs. I leaned back into her lips.

"Yeah, you are. I can smell your booze breath." She pushed me up and slid out from under me. "I'm gonna look after you today Miss Conrad." She pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead.

"Okay." I rolled my eyes and crawled under my bed sheets. After a few minutes of my mind wondering, I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

"Julliard?" Emily said, waking me up. "You've been out for about an hour by the way and here is your Tylenol."

"Thanks." I said groggily, taking the medicine with a sip of water. "Um, what, what about Julliard?" I stammered.

"You thinking of applying for it." She gulped, sitting at the end of my bed and squeezing my thigh. I smiled lightly and sat up.

"Yeah. But I have got other options. You know, nearer to Louisiana. There's always, BU or LSU. I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders.

"But Julliard's always been your dream right?" It's like she read my mind.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said, Emily curling up to me, placing her arm across my stomach. I kissed the top of her head.

"It's twenty hours away Stace." She rubbed my stomach.

"And we've got ages until applications are due." I lifted her up and placed my hands on her thighs as she knelt on the bed. I pressed a light kiss on her lips. "C'mon, I think it's time to go buy some dresses for a wedding."

"Okay." Em smiled when I took her hand and dragged her outside. "Wait, we're still wearing our pyjamas."

"Yeah, but we're gonna be wearing dresses all morning so it doesn't matter." I smiled, locking the house door and taking Emily's hand. "Come on." I dragged her down the street.

"You seem to be feeling better." She snorted.

"Well, I have this nurse. Her name is Emily Junk." I tugged her in to my body and looped my arm around her waist. "And I love her."

"Oh, how I would love to meet this Emily Junk. She might be able to help you get that cast off you." She tapped my pink cast.

"Yes, we must. Because it is not sexy." I shimmied my body towards her.

"One, you're always sexy and two, you shimming is very embarrassing." She giggled.

Chloe's P.O.V

"Chloe, come here! I wanna ask you something." Beca shouted from downstairs in the living room. I ran downstairs after flushing the toilet.

"Yes." I jumped next to her and kissed her lips.

"I was wondering whether you would be my date to the wedding." She blushed, taking my hands.

"Why of course I will be." I giggled. "I love you Beca Mitchell." I pressed my nose against hers and smiled into another kiss.

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