Chapter 12

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Beca's P.O.V

I searched the school high and low, no Stacie. I left messages, I left her texts. No answer. The one place that I didn't look in was the practice hall. That old place hadn't been touched in years, not since the school got the P.E hall and the auditorium. Before then, everyone use to do their dance, P.E and music lessons in this one little hall.

It was a few minutes off campus. Yeah, OFF campus. Everyone use to have to walk five minutes to get to their P.E lesson. I arrived and it there were no lights on. It was covered in dust, there were broken windows. But there was a muffled sound, music.

I crept in silently, climbing through the webs. Low and behold, there was Stacie. Practicing her pirouettes and ballet. I hadn't seen her do this in years.

"Stacie." I said quietly. She stopped immediately and looked over at me. There were tears dripping off her chin. "Hey, are okay?" I dropped my bag and walked over to her quickly, placing my hands on her shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked, no answer. "C'mon, tell Aunty Beca."

"I honestly don't know." She wiped away her tears, laughing at herself in mock.

"You're crying Stacie, tell me." I lifted her chin and we made eye contact.

"I guess it all just got to me. It all got into my head. Dad leaving. Emily getting kicked out. My Mom stressing out." She choked.

"Hey, you know that I'm here for you, right? And Chloe, Aubrey and Em." I led my hand down her upper arm. The one that wasn't broken.

"Do you remember when we were younger and we'd argue or something." I nodded. "Remember how is always be here, practicing. And you'd find me. We'd do exactly the same thing and make up. Then you'd watch me practice."

"That's how I knew how to find you Stace." I laughed.

"I like that. How you always know where I am." She opened up her arms and wrapped them around me, squeezing the living daylights out of me.

"Hey, that's what best friends are for." I pulled away and made strong eye contact with her.

"How about I bring my dance partner back." She took my hand and led me to the CD player.

"No." I groaned painfully.

"You're dancing whether you like it or not Mitchell." She scolded.

"Okay Mom." I mocked, laugh was returned.

She played 'How To Save A Life' by the Fray. When we were twelve, we practiced a dance routine 24/7 to go along with this song. It was for some stupid Middle School talent show. I still know the ballet/contemporary routine of by heart.

We both knew it. Every step. Not one mistake.

"Wow, it's amazing that you knew that after all those years." I chuckled.

"I've been practicing." She blushed.

"Really?" I scoffed. "Since when did you start getting back into ballet?"

"Since Emily and I got together, I've gotten my Conrad spark back. And it kinda helps clear my head." She pushed her hair back, I could tell she was thinking about what happened.

Stacie hasn't danced ballet since she was thirteen. She had practiced every last move, everything. Perfected them. Yet she still slipped up.

When she was thirteen, she and I had a huge argument. But we had to practice for that years's talent show. I hated her guts. So I decided that there was only one way to prove how much a hated her at that time.

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