Chapter 10

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Stacie's P.O.V

"Stacie." I get shaken by a blonde.

"What?" I groaned, turning onto my other side.

"Stacie. Wake up. Breakfast. I made my Posen Pancakes." She grinned. I turned back around and smiled. Aubrey gave me her hands to help me up. My weight was too much for her and I pulled her back down.

"Aubrey, you frisky blond." I teased. She blushed insanely and I kissed her forehead, standing up.

The smell of pancakes led me to the landing of the staircase. I stood and embraced the whiff of sugar itching at my nose. Smelling the pancakes distracted me. I took one step down.

Aubrey's P.O.V

And the clumsy b*tch fell. She fell down the stairs. Down the f*cking stairs. And she's probably dead.

"Stacie." I yelled. "Are you alive?"

My Dad comes rushing behind me.

"What happened?" He asked, panicking.

"The b*tch fell down the stairs." I pointed out. We both looked down at her. She still hadn't moved. And there was blood pouring from her head. She had hit her head on the little table holding a plant. Both my Dad and I ran down the stairs to she if she was alive. She was still breathing and her pulse was steady, she was just unconscious.

"Call her parents, we need to bring her to a hospital." Dad stated, picking her up bridal style. Mom and Georgia came running out from the kitchen, asking what had happened. I explained that a dumb b*tch fell down our stairs and hit her head. Why does Stacie always get a slit across her forehead?

"Beca!" I almost shouted down the phone.

"What?" She whined back.

"Can you and Chloe meet me at the hospital?" I basically demanded them.

"Why?" She perked up. "What happened?"

"A certain clumsy brunette decided to fall down the stairs and hit her head. I see you've got your voice back." I scoffed.

"Idiot." I heard Chloe exclaim. "Don't worry, over-protective Beca is on her way."

Chloe snatched the phone from Beca.

"Yes Chloe, she did slit her forehead." I said, knowing what she was going to ask.

"Okay." She gave the phone back to Beca.

"We'll be there in about twenty minutes." Beca sighed.

Next thing was to call her Mom. The phone rang three times before she picked up.

"Hello. This is Stacie's Mom isn't it?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

"Yes, why?" She asked back with no emotion.

"She's in hospital. This is Aubrey Posen. Stacie's friend. See, she stayed with me last night and this morning she fell down the stairs. She has a huge cut across her forehead and we're pretty sure she's broken her arm." I explained, catching my breath at the end.

"Oh. Well I'll be there as soon as possible." She said, once again, no emotion.

"Wait. Um, Stacie told me what happened last night. I just wanted to say how upset she was. She really does love you. Um, that's it." I said before hanging up. Next to ring was Emily.

"Hello, Aubrey." She said quietly.

"Emily!" I yelled loudly. "Where are you?"

"I'm at a horse-riding lesson." She replied.

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